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  1. darkeye

    My first sculpt

    yup, pretty good. you have an eye for Form and got all the basics there. a hearty well done on this cos its sure better than i ever did when i started!!! :thumb: jsut take a look at the eye line and make sure they line up and that the deepest portion of the eye is the tear duct area net to...
  2. darkeye

    Bust Scales?

    good reference.. if you're starting out down the sculpting road then i'd reccommend a couple of books, firstis Portarit Sculpting by Phillipe Faraut and next would be Lifelike Figures in Polymer Clay by Katherine Dewey. both are excellent and contain lots of proportion and anatomy studies and...
  3. darkeye


    very nice work Filin, i agree that he would benefit next time from being a bit taller proportionally. overall though its very nice and has a Tom Meier feel to it. all the best --tim:)
  4. darkeye

    My first sculpt

    well done so far. pretty good face for a first attempt mate. Faces are difficult at the best of times. my reccommendation would be; learn to draw. it teaches you lots of things you can transfer to sculpting. it will make you better in the long run and save you time over all. take it from...
  5. darkeye

    Huntress scale 1/32

    hi Ookami, yep, like this alot. reminds me of Elmore Art/ Dark Sword miniature style. a nice lil composition. atb ---- tim :)
  6. darkeye


    HA! thats brilliant!! :) good work sir. all the best -- tim
  7. darkeye

    Glorfindel - 28mm scale

    many thanks Ookami ! very kind of you Sir. :) all the best --- tim :)
  8. darkeye

    US Navy SEAL for BRAVO-6

    very cool! love the face and cloth work. top stuff! all the best -- tim
  9. darkeye

    many tests little progress

    dont give up! Luiz , well done for starting down this road. sculpting is a long learning process and after several years, i am still learning and making mistakes. your figures show potential and thats what counts so keep 'pushing clay' ! it will come soon enough. i still throw away more...
  10. darkeye

    Three Mad men, 1/48 scale

    credit where it s due mate! :) i love looking at other folks works and swap comments and ideas/techniques. so check your latest posting! all the best -- tim
  11. darkeye

    Finished sculpting first figures [1/72]

    very good work mate. good detail and finish on such a small scale. so well done. how are you twisting up your armature? could you demonstrate please? never seen that method before! all the best -- tim
  12. darkeye

    Napoleonic Civilians, 1/72nd Scale

    yep, Electron Microscope is just showing off!! :) lovely work on these and unbelievably detailed. the teddy on the little girl alone would've drove me insane. well done sir! all the best --- tim
  13. darkeye

    A cop and some guy

    dont knock yerself Ray, still takes a talent to pull of but i agree, those 1/72's are unreal. i really would go blind trying that!! BTW , dont buy anything from the guy in the Boater; i'm sure i have seen him in our Station. Con-Artiste i think!!! :) nice work there Ray...
  14. darkeye

    Glorfindel - 28mm scale

    why, thankyou! thanks Manfred, very kind of you sir! dont think they'll give me a bench though!!! :) can dream eh?! Patrick, thanks for the kind words, much appreciated. i noticed the size creep too late and its due to soldering the crushed wire to the handle and not shaving the...
  15. darkeye


    nice looking undead piece and a good size too. how tall? 45mm? regards -- tim
  16. darkeye

    Glorfindel - 28mm scale

    thank you Ken, appreciate you taking time to look. i'll post the final version soon. all the best ---- tim
  17. darkeye

    Santa's Rest

    for me at least, you have got to be one of the best Mini sculptors on the planet. i love your work JP! :) all the best --- tim
  18. darkeye

    Three Mad men, 1/48 scale

    Ray,just wanted to say well done on these. i looked at some Tamiya 1;48 figs in the box and the heads were tiny! i certainly couldnt sculpt them True Scale!! even with a visor. i think you did a bang up job and i really like the Chaplin fig. very characterful mate...
  19. darkeye

    Glorfindel - 28mm scale

    Thanks guys! thanks Jay and Mark. nice to know folks like him. Jay, the eyes were incredibly hard as the putty balls wereso small that a 3x Mag visor stuggled to help me see them. it was patience and bloody-mindednes that won the day there. i have added the Gorget again which i removed...
  20. darkeye

    Glorfindel - 28mm scale

    hi folks. here's my latest lil effort in miniature. Glorfindel, Lord of the West in Armor. he's (true scale and 8 heads)28mm to the eyes. nearly went mad/blind doing the eyes and that **^^@***^%£ Chain mail!!! :) opinions welcome. what you you guys think? how he looked originally...