Huntress scale 1/32


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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2009
jalisco , Mexico
Hi Sirs, i wanned to share some pictures of a project on process that i been doing latelly, i still need to polishs some details so some critics and commets are well reciebed (y), hope yopu like it.


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Thank you tim for your comment, now that you mention it yes it do reseemble the style of Dark sword work, I really like their minis but they made it on a smaller scale that his one, thewy have some of the work of tom meyer that an incredible sculptor on my opinion,I feel very flater by the compariom :).
ookami, great sculpting of the female figure, nice action pose and very well balanced. IMHO her upper arms look a little on the thin side to draw that hugh bow, perhaps a little more muscle but be careful not to make her too muscle bound. (y)

Cheers Ken
Off to a great start . . .

Hi Ookami:

Wow, you're off to a great start on a figure that must be so difficult
to do. I've always figured that sculpting a female figure would be
more difficult than a male as their anatomy is much smoother and
not so angular, or chiseled as a man. . . But perhaps you're
proving me wrong.

When I first looked at your images, I definitely agreed with Ken, the upper
arms in the bicept area are too thin. But then I noticed the large fingers on
the right hand as well. And I'm thinking that you are intending more work in
those two areas, adding more heft to the arms and thinning down the fingers
of the right hand to match the hand holding the bow. Am I right? :)

Regardless, this is going to be a very nice piece. Love the addition of
the dog. And also the flow of the clothing across her thighs and
same for the cape. (y) (y) (y)
Hi Rick an Ken, yep i have notice the arms detail, i feell that the left arm is on proportion but the rigt is too tin on the frontal picture, i will do add some more muscle to it, the thing is not to make it to masculine on the process as ken as mention before, wit females too rip on the muscles and you dont have a femenine look any more; And yes Rick your observation is very correct I will use a exacto to trim the fingers a little so they match the left hand, the whole process of making an open hand on this scale is dificult but it seems to be working i just need to make a beter shape, also will add some more volume on the back of the knees on the left leg, it looks a little bit thin on some of the pictures.

Thank you bout for your comments(y).
Some advances

Hi sirs I take some fast pictures of the advancement that i have on this miniature, i have fix the arms detail and also working on the rigth hand, now it is more on scale but i dont like the fingers position :confused:, also have added texture to the base and have detailed the chest bekt, hope you like it and any comments and critics are accepted.


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Ookami, great sculpting of a very nice female figure, (y) the hands are always one of the most difficult to do, especially a female's, suggest either getting hold of a book by Burne Hogarth titled Drawing Dynamic Hands or better still just take pics of a girls hand in the position you want and from different angles.
Many thanks for showing and will follow progress.

Cheers Ken
Hello Juan. . .

Thanks for posting the latest series of images on your Huntress w/ faithful
dog. You're really done very fine work on what I see as a pose that has so
many difficult aspect to it. And then you throw in the presence of the wind as
an added dynamic element. Love the detail of the quiver and arrows.

All the details are very fine.

I did want to mention the one comment Ken made about using a camera to
create your own anatomical references, taking pictures of local young ladies
and gentlemen. I see that as very good advice. For some of my oil
paintings, I've even set my camera on a tri-pod and shot pictures of myself
carrying a bucket or how the head looks in a straw hat, et cetera.

Good luck with this Juan, and have a lot of fun with it. (y) (y)

Mijami Jayhawker
Hi Ken and rick, thank you for your comments they motivate me a lot, actually my problem wit the rigth hand is more a tecnical problem that an anatomy one, I whant an open hand posture but on this scale is geting dificult to do it, i have been usin a wire to suport the finger to do this but the result is a very bulky finger, i will tray an other thechnique to see what happens but if any boddy knows of a tutorial for this on this scale it will be of great help.
Last pictures

Hi sirs I am attaching the final pictures of this mini, hope you like it (y).


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Juan, great sculpting, very neat work. I see you resolved the problem you were having with the fingers on her right hand , did you re-sculpt them or file them down, they look great - nice job. (y)

Cheers Ken
I ran into the same problem with that L4D diorama im working on, needed the one figure (in 1/35th) to have fingers that extend into points and be fairly long, VERY hard to do at that scale, I have yet to figure out how to do it.
Thank you all for your input and comments I really aprecaite them, they motivate me a lot.

Hi ken, about the fingers yep I have to re esculpt the wole hand 3 o 4 times on diferent tecniques and this was the best result that i get, still is not as good as i wanned but is a lot better that on the original hand

smeagolthevile you can tray doing a very small and flat form of the hand on uncured puty, add 4 lines of wire for the fingers and let it dray, after that recheck the proportions and do the adjustments that may be need, add the putty for the fingers over the wire and do a general shape for each finger , let it cure and the file or ad putty depending on the case. it requires a lot of pascience and some trial an error but is a good metod, good luck and have fun.