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  1. B

    1/6th bust sculpt in progress

    Marc I was intend to give it a try after the Bud from Anders, It should be great to paint an own made buste I playing with the idea for a medic from Nam. At the moment I read and read all the books I have and searching on the Net, but showing soon....................well I think it will take a...
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    1/6th bust sculpt in progress

    Thanks Colin for your very good explanation, I'll give it a try Bert
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    1/6th bust sculpt in progress

    Hi I've painted several bustes and now I will paint a self made one, so I have really a lot of questions about it I'm glad you made it like a SBS But, in the first pic you show me a raw head. Did you made it just as so, (o man why can't I write in dutch ;) just a raw something and then putting...
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    Bust in progress

    Very good face, about the cammo, I'm not familiar with this so I can't give a serious comment Bert
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    Omaha beach D-Day + one

    Eh, Jacek, I really like it, nice sculpting I'm stinky jealous Bert
  6. B

    Vietnan Uniform colors - US Soldier

    Jacek Good site , I bookmarked it, hadn't seen it before, very good reference, thanks Bert (I just ask it very quiet when you made a Vietnamfigure) :lol:
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    Vietnan Uniform colors - US Soldier

    Daniel Maybe I'm wrong, Didn't be into the US Army and wasn't in Vietnam, but what I've seen on pics, fast every kinda green is possible, from the Olive drab to khaki green Most of the pics shows a olive green with a blue influence something like this Two bustes I've paint the helmet cammo...
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    "Snakebite" finished!

    Marijn I really like the story. It's a great thing you made, I like the way you painted it and for all I like the base, nice use of heights and very good water, is thas, (sorry but don't the englisch word) giethars? I think I should try it one time Bert
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    WW2 Model Maker

    Strange, it's a time ago I visit this site, but right, only cheap posters Bert
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    another wwII bust

    Wow, thats really a prototype of a German soldier. Often seen such a face on propaganda (is this real english?)posters Bert (who likes really the paintwork)
  11. B

    Andrea Vietnam bust +

    Now I can see the pics, o man, great work. I've the same bust (duh, look at my avatar) But such a conversion like this is really something I will have too Great work, Jacek Bert
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    Andrea Vietnam bust +

    Sh**t man, no pics to see, I really like Nam figures Bert
  13. B

    U.S. Army Vietnam back pack

    Search for an image of the LRRP of AlphaImages here: Bert
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    120mm uniform access.

    Looking here. it's Korea but you got some idea's Use Google and type Vietnam+uniforms, a lot of pics will shown up, you will seen when its green its good, it cames between a bleugreenisch green and oliverdrab, a lot of nuances are possible or real pics...
  15. B

    Happy Birthday Titan To & Egert Loss

    You see, februari was a good productionmonth. lot of birtdays, Congrats guys BertUS
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    happy Birthday Bert

    Thanks guys, badly enough I'm working this week in the graveyardshift Marc: no, I'm at 5th in Amersfoort at the Twenot meeting, showing up some figures Bert
  17. B

    order in painting faces

    Weel I painting a acrylic beige or orange brown base tone, then a very thin layer of the basic flesh, shadow, highligt, deeper shadow, 2nd higlight, then lips bluses etc. Then lets drying. After that the eyes (I had to see how the faces looks so I can decided what color eyes and what position...
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    Otto Skorzeny

    Hi You mentioned this figure? I had painted it white. Had search over a couple of sites and all I found was the white color toke my info from this site and choose the second option Lufwaffe farbe Bert Takken
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    Panzer officer

    Eh Jaume Why not posting your painting in your appartment, same technique used on the walls as you used on the figures? LOL LOL But your figgie looks till now marvelous Bert Takken
  20. B

    And the winner is.....

    Thanks Darla, thanks guys I was really amazed when I read the post on my work, Didn't expect that I could win but maybe I was the only one :lol: :lol: No don't think so, but it's really a nice feeling winning a challence on this way BertUs (Who had send a proud mail to his girlfriend from my work)