"Snakebite" finished!


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Marijn Van Gils

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2004
Hello guys,

I finished this one about a month-and-a-half ago, and finally took some pics.

He is 1/35: hornet head (resculpted the eyes, moustache and hair) and hands (resculpted most of the fingers though), most accessories are dragon (refining the detail a lot with a scalpel), but the rest is scratchbuilt.

Any comments or criticisms are very much appreciated.

Best wishes,







I really like the story.
It's a great thing you made, I like the way you painted it and for all I like the base, nice use of heights and very good water, is thas, (sorry but don't the englisch word) giethars? I think I should try it one time

I've seen it on the AMSS show in live. It was not finished then but it looks awesome then.
Now it is finished and what more can i say than the two above has said.
Great peace of work. Beautifull sculpting and this is one of a kind.
Again, great, great work (y) (y) (y)
Thanks guys! Glad you like it!

Bert, the water is "giethars" indeed: polyester resin. The type that is used for enclosing insects and such into. It was poored in two layers, the lower tinted with Tamiya acrylics and the upper one textured with a toothpick while curing.

Dan, thanks or noticing! These small "extra's" are quite time-consuming, but really fun to do. In my opinion, these things are very important to set the environment and atmosphere of any figure, and therefor shouldn't be neglected or rushed.

Best wishes,

Hey Marijn...that is one expressive face you got going on there....& in 1:35th..!!

You have a skill that is overshadowed only by your imagination....great stuff.. (y)


All the best.

Roy. !
Hello Roy!

Thanks! your words are really too nice!

That would have been a great title too! Pity I didn't post pics before I got the nameplate engraved...
Well, I'll just have to find some other figure to use that title with... Some accident during potato-peeling duty maybe? :lol:


That's just great Marjin. Espcially so in 1/35th! Excellent detail and expression on the soldier's face (y) I really like it!

GREAT JOB,Marijn (y) (y) !!! How did you get the "water" to conform so well to the side of the base groundwork ? It really looks like a slice of Vietnamese swamp !! Cheers !
Kenneth :lol:
Hi Marijn,

After Survival of the fittest again a fantastic piece of work. Great story telling and staging. And thinking I sat next to you for a while during the AMSS-weekend when you were poking into blobs of Magic Sculpt to create all of this. I was watching "The Master"!

Kind regards

Johan ;)
Really interesting idea Marijn, and nice execution, good job. What kind of snake is it? :)

Great to see glossy skin - far too much matt paintwork representing sweaty soldiers :lol:

One thing that bothers me is the lower legs, depending on how you imagine he has interacted with the stream some parts of the lower trousers at least should be wet and the fabric would go very dark. By the same token I'd do more sweat staining around the back of the armpit (and if you do that also the upper back, chest and forehead) although it is difficult to get this to look quite right.

I got the pictures from Marijn a couple of days ago and saw this piece (together with the Tusrkish soldier) and I think it's perfect. Mark my words: Marijn wil be one of the top modellers of the world that influence the modelling scene alot (if he isn't already). And wait till you see his next one. If you thought his work was original so far. It will have a lot of fine copperwire involved!


Marijn, excellent narrative and composition. Well, that's expected of you :lol:

Stephen Mallia
Thanks a lot for the nice words! Although some are exagerating a little, aren't we Gino? :lol:
The facial expression was of course vital, so it took some work to get it to my liking.

Kenneth, I fist built the basic groundwork and painted it. Next, I taped two pieces of glass to the sides were the water would go, using blue tack to stick it to the groundwork and fill the voids there. After pooring the water and removing the glass, the residue blue tack was removed and the groundwork touched up (I mix it from plaster, white glue and some pigment powders to give it a dark colour), just addingsome extra groundwork slush on the spots that were previously filled with blue-tack. Of course, this was painted afterwards. It takes a little work, but I think the clean resultsadd to the general picture.

Hello Einion! Thanks for the comments! The snake is a Banded Krait, so I hope a medevac helicopter will get him out of there soon, as they are quite deadly!

I think you are right about the glossy skin. I feel many painters nowadays only use one texture (entirely matt) on their figures, which lacks a little depth to my taste. Playing around with different textures (dead flat for clothing, different intensities of satin for flesh, leather, plastic, etc. ...) brings more variation, depth, and in my opinion realism. Maybe many painters don't like to use varnishes? Since it is often far more complex to control sheen by your medium or painting-technique, I'm a great fan of varnishes and use them all the time!

I agree completely with the wetness-comment. I "muddied" his lower leg, but it would be more effective indeed if I would have used darker tones. Something to remember for next time! :)
You are also very right about the sweat, but it is difficult indeed to pull of, as it easilly messes the shading/highlighting up (because the surface is often too small to cover several folds). After doing the armpits and giving him a sweatty face and arms, I decided to leave it at that with this figure. Also a challenge to tackle again another time, preferably with a colour that allows more playing around with its intensity. Thanks again for the comments: very helpfull!

Stephen, it makes me really happy if you are expecting that from my work! :)


Although some are exagerating a little, aren't we Gino?

Nope Marijn. I think you know me long enough to know that I only say wat I mean! One day you will tell your grandchildren :" back in the day when I was young (and pretty?) there was that odd looking funny guy who predicted I would be a the best modeller of the world. and look, it all came true". Top modeller or not you are a very good friend and a constant source of inspiration who is always there to help me. Thanks again ;)
