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  1. R

    Euro-What are the rules

    Judging must be the one thing at Euro that causes the most stir, I have entered not in recent years as my stuff aint quite that standard as yet. The basicpremise here is that you cannot please all teh people al the time, there is as Adrian has said a call for a Sci-Fi Class, infact I have...
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    the bust itself is not too bad, a number of people have asked me this, have Andrea busts got questionable castings, there is an odd bubble on the underneath but not too bad. Robin
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    Hey Big Lad Hows life with you, on the up I hope. thats a great point that I had never thought of. Robin
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    Hi Frank Yeah we discussed him at length, hes gorgeous whether mine is as good will be another thing. Thanks Guys Robin
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    Hi Guys Fell in love with a bust at Euro, and I want to copy the style, the person who did teh original has sculpted on to the bust a new moustache and sideburns. I bought some Duro to do this is it suitable, any tips to accomplish this Thanks in advance Robin
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    Crow Woman and child

    Seen this pic and a couple of others aswell. I am at the moment in the middle of doing Adrians Website which we will be releasing hopefully very soon. This composition is great. Robin
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    Marcomannic Warrior

    Hi Dave Kewl paint matey. Anybody any information on Letchworth show on the 30th October. Robin
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    Identify this figure

    Cheers matey Robin
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    Identify this figure

    Guys Anyone knows who makes this guy Thanks in advance Robin
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    How you store the brushes

    I am similar to Enion, I do also tend to use brushes in rotation , although I do have my favourites, I don't use teh same brush for mixing as i do painting if you know what I mean. I don't use white spirit on an acrylic brush, I also keep oil and acrylic, metallic brushes seperate. Robin
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    Tah - Ro - Hon, Ioway Warrior

    Lovely work matey, specially like the shirt Robin
  12. R

    Euro 2005: my favourite figure is ...

    I had two favorites same as Dave Diegos Samurai(which I bought) and a scratchbuild by Adrian Bay, which I couldn't buy as a kit that is.
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    pF at Euro-Militaire 2005

    It was fantastic meeting you all, some again. some for the first time. Must say a big hi to Bluesking, alot of respect I have for this man both as a modeller and as a person. Robin
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    Guys Quick note to say that for the foreseeable future I have been asked to say that Stormtroopers will cease trading. If you have any queries please contact me through this site rather than trying to contact Stuart. Regards Robin Snelson
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    Micharl Roberts Ltd

    Gary Stuart picked up on something and asked a question, as Mike has said his horse is has been used by other less scrupulous manufacturers than himself. I am sure he would appreciate that fact been picked up by one of the members here so he could do somehting about it as would Stuart if the...
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    Marcomanni Finished

    Great work dood, looks kewl Thansk again for the beer it was nice, you need to taste some proper english ale not that stuff they call beer in The Leas Have fun Great to see you again Robin
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    White Model new release.

    This has actually been out a long time, lovely piece it is though Robin
  18. R

    Euro Militaire

    I shall be there at about 2 o clock, I am the big lad with an ear to ear smile banging on the front door to be let in all night on Friday through to Saturday. Robin
  19. R

    Japanese Ronin 90mm sculpt

    Gorgeous work Roy Do we get to see him at Euro Robin