Micharl Roberts Ltd


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Mike Stelzel sent me an email with photos of 2 new releases he will have available by the Chicago show next month.

Michael Roberts Ltd - click here

Colonial Militiaman, 18th century
75mm resin
sculpted by Mike Stezel (pf member)


Private, 20th Georgia 1863
54mm resin
sculpted by gary Dombrowski (pf member)


** figures available at MMSI show next month

Private 20th Georgia - sbs by Gary - start to finish
Excellent! I really like both releases. Can't say enough about your line of 54mm and 70mm figures. I really think Gary did a nice job on the 20th GA! The hat and bare feet are a neat touch. And the colonial militiaman meets my request for another Rev. War figure! Can't wait to see them painted up!

Best of Everything,

Terry Martin
These are brilliant! The 18th C (My new fav period)figure will be loads of fun to paint and still be historical and/military and the ACW figure will fit in nicely with a dio I have on the workbench! Kudos to MR and Gary! (y) (y)
If the head on the 54mm figure hasnt changed since the original isnt there a copyright issue as the head was sculpted by tseung harms and produced by tiger designs. I'm sure they would love to know ! otherwise anybody could use any head from any manufacturer and produce what they wanted that is unless michael robertrs ltd now own the master


Thank you for your concern about the copyright issue. I wish more people were as alert as you are. It seems like I see my 54mm horse being used but other companies without my permission but few if any notice that.

Prior to me buying the master from Gary I phoned Joe Bakanovic at Tigermodels, owner of the subject head, and got his permissoin to use it on this figure. My thanks to Joe for his kindness and profession courtesy.

Mike Stelzel
Michael Roberts Ltd
Very nice items! That AWI militaman is great my favorite of the two (sorry Gary) the pose is simple but somehow different. I think it's how he's holding the butt of his musket that makes it shine. Gary's ACW fig is nice as well, but kind of a standard pose. What makes me want to paint it is it's almost "pork-pie" style hat, a nice change from the usual sloutch hat we see. Both are must haves for me, too bad I won't be able to attend MMSI and get them then.
Ric :lol:
Mike it is a problem and it is great that you were able to get permission .It is a shame more companys cant work together for the good of the hobby.

Originally posted by stormtrooper@Sep 21 2005, 02:27 PM
If the head on the 54mm figure hasnt changed since the original isnt there a copyright issue as the head was sculpted by tseung harms and produced by tiger designs. I'm sure they would love to know ! otherwise anybody could use any head from any manufacturer and produce what they wanted that is unless michael robertrs ltd now own the master

Though Mike has already commented on the issue of the rebel's head, I feel incllined to comment on the matter myself. I originally intended on the reb being a one off figure. I immediately made it known to Mike the head was not sculpted by myself but Taesung when he expressed an interest in producing it. He was also told who manufactured, and in all probability owned the rights to the master. Only after recieving permission from the owner of the head did we go ahead preparing the figure for future release. I have been sculpting for several years now and this is the first time I have ever used another sculptor's head for a figure done for commercial production (though that was not my original intent, like I said). I would never disrespect another sculptor or manufacturer (not to mention break the law) by passing off the work of another as my own. Hopefully this clears up any doubts (if any) there may be in regards to my personal character.~Gary
no doubts at all on your character Gary! I recall asking the question during the sculpting of the piece, and you answered clearly then: discussion

but Stuart is very Eagle eyed. If you hadn't mentioned the origin of the head in the original thread, I'd have never known!
Originally posted by RobH@Sep 21 2005, 05:18 PM
but Stuart is very Eagle eyed. If you hadn't mentioned the origin of the head in the original thread, I'd have never known!
Rob, If Mr. Hale were as eagle-eyed as you say he would would have looked at the thread dealing with the figure and gotten all his facts right. I would say it's safe to assume that I'm a regular on this site, and it is quite an easy task to contact me by E-mail or PM via Planet figure. I would have been more than happy to put his mind at ease. Because he choose to make assumptions and rush to judgement, I along with Michael Roberts Ltd. have been put in the uneccessary position of explaining ourselves.~Gary

Stuart picked up on something and asked a question, as Mike has said his horse is has been used by other less scrupulous manufacturers than himself. I am sure he would appreciate that fact been picked up by one of the members here so he could do somehting about it as would Stuart if the reverse happened to him and something that he had sculpted was being used against his wishes .

We do not all have the time to read all the threads as some people do choosing to read the ones that interest us.

I thought the question was well put and Mike answered just as well and a satisfactory conclusion was reached to teh heads owner and its use.

Maybe you could have contacted stuart by either email or by PM to voice your concerns over the way he did this which to my mind was just an honest query.

Originally posted by Robin@Sep 21 2005, 06:08 PM
Maybe you could have contacted stuart by either email or by PM to voice your concerns over the way he did this which to my mind was just an honest query.
Robin, Yeah right. Excuse me but the issue should have been dealt with from the very begining by sending a PM to Mike instead of making such a "query" in public. ~Gary
To all conscerned I am sorry if I have offened anybody it was just an honest open question and I feel was answered by mike in the manner that is becomming of a professional and honest manufacturer. Gary I'm sorry but I don't actually read all your posts I just remember that you used the head and tseung 's head are very characteristic. There was no malice meant and I respect your integrity and honesty in this buisness. I hope this closes this matter and I will now be off line for quite some time me thinks .Adios my amigoes it was great to see you all at euro
