Marcomanni Finished


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A Fixture
Jan 7, 2004
Netherlands, Arnemuiden
Hello Guys,

After the tremendous figures i saw on Euro, i worked hard to get my Marcomanni finished.
The base had to be done, the sword and the dolk has to be done.
When you finally get all done you see some spots that has to be redone.
Well finally I THINK it is finished.
May i have your comments and critism. I really apreciate them.





Hey Marc

You told me you've only being doing figures for 2 years !

That looks terrific - you sure learn fast.

Whats next ? I've already started work on the Stormtroopers
Prussian Hussar, and know you picked him up also

Thanks for the beer at the weekend, great taste
and great company ;)

See you next year

Looks great, Marc. I cannot see anything in these pics to criticise.

The ground work turned out very well indeed! (y)

Fantastic work have really come along way. I have just downloaded your pics to use when I start mine. Super work my friend.
Great work dood, looks kewl

Thansk again for the beer it was nice, you need to taste some proper english ale not that stuff they call beer in The Leas

Have fun Great to see you again

Hi Marc,
I stumbled on this piece just as it was getting close to being completed. I really like the great job you did on it. And the ground work looks first rate too. Do you have some close up shots of the finished piece? I'd like to see more of it :)
Congratulations on a wonderful piece.
It really looks great even if the pictures have a distance from the figure. I really like your groundwork, it seems that you did a good choice.

Hey Pete,

Have i sayd two figure's in a year (must be the beers).
No, no, in the beginning i do 2 figures in a month. At the moment i do 1 figure in two months. I think it is because i paint more details, and have more atention to other things.
Yes the beers are good. PALM brewes good stuff.
See you in Antwerp next year (y)

Hey Robin,

We spend some great hours with the bunch, and we drunk some good beers, not the best from Belgium i save that when you come to Antwerp next year.
I 'm very pleased that you like it.
BTW, i tasted last year the ale's and i must say, no, it is not my taste.

Thanks for the nice comments. I have some larger picture's but when i resize them with irfanview i have some realy strange pictures. I really don't know what is happening.
As soon i get that right i post some new.
