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  1. stev1eran

    EMMS - 23 Apr.

    Does anyone have any details about the East Midlands Model Show, where is it held in Hinkley? what time it starts? all info gratefully received. Steve
  2. stev1eran

    I am 6½ and this is my 1st model

    Well done Charlotte, Its looking good so far and I cant wait to see the rest. I wish I had started at your age - carry on and when your older you will be up there with the best of them :) Steve
  3. stev1eran

    Winter tanker, Ardennes 1944

    Gino, you have completed one hell of a figure there. I am envious of your standards :) Well done Steve
  4. stev1eran

    Wing Commander Skalski - 200mm bust

    Nice, interesting piece Dave, good work :) Steve
  5. stev1eran

    British Para bust

    Thanks for the constructive criticsm guys, JP I have taken your advice and I tried a number of things with the teeth after looking a various pics I have repainted them using Games Workshop bleached bone and they look much better :) Jay I'm working on the smock, dulling it down and weathering...
  6. stev1eran

    British Para bust

    Thanks for the feedback guys, JP - I know what you mean about the gaps in the teeth, it isnt black lines, i have used a wash of alizaron crimson mixed with violet and a dot of raw sienna. I think i will give them another try. Dave - I have used thinned burnt umber for the lining out, it does...
  7. stev1eran

    British Para bust

    The highlights actually look brighter than they are in normal conditions. I still haven't mastered the art of photographing figures :( Steve
  8. stev1eran

    British Para bust

    Hi guys, Here are some pics of my latest project, it is the first time I have done a bust and my first attempt at camouflage. Let me know what you think.
  9. stev1eran

    box art for new para

    Hi Chris, thats quite an interesting figure. Where is it available? Steve
  10. stev1eran


    Hi Robin, I'm also taking the trip up to Darlington, it will be my first trip up to Sword & Lance. Its had some good reviews in the past so I am looking forward to it and as Steve says - looking forward to listening to Adrian Hopwood, should get some good tips and advice :) Look forward to...
  11. stev1eran


    Vitalino, I really like what you have done with this piece. Iam looking forward to seeing it with the groundwork. Well done :thumb: :thumb: Steve
  12. stev1eran

    Officer, Wellington's Regt.

    This one has character, it will be nice to see the finished article. Steve
  13. stev1eran

    U.S. Light Dragoon 1812/13

    Really like the look of this one Jason well done Steve
  14. stev1eran

    How much time do you spend in the Planet.

    Normally I would spend about an hour a night Mon - Fri but at the weekend I tend to spend a lot longer. Seeing what other members have produced gives me inspiration as well as some great tips. Its good to see what members all over the world are up to :) Steve
  15. stev1eran

    Cleaning up seam lines

    Thanks guys, thats answered my question and saved me a few pounds - better off putting towards the next recruit to the grey army :lol: Steve
  16. stev1eran

    Cleaning up seam lines

    I have seen advertised in a number of magazines and also on the Historex Agents site a tool called a micro chisel, which is used for cleaning up seam lines etc on metal, resin and plastic figures. I wondered if any planeteers have used this tool and whether it is worth buying one. Any thoughts...
  17. stev1eran


    Well George, I suppose there is only one thing to say and that is "welcome back" :) Steve
  18. stev1eran

    A Favour?

    Hey Ross youve got my vote :) Steve
  19. stev1eran

    Chasseur a Cheval escort dress

    Excellent work Anthony, I really like the face and the greens. I've had quite a few 'start agains' with my greens on a 7th Hussar that I am currently painting. I think I am getting there :) Steve
  20. stev1eran

    Number of projects?

    I, like other pf members generally stick to one figure at a time. This allows me to think about how I am going to research uniform, accuracy etc, also how it will fit in with the type of groundwork I wish to achieve. Then the best bits - assembly and painting, I like to take my time that way I...