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  1. mertenspeter

    "I want to ride my bicycle!"

    Ja Marijn, dat is weeral een prachtstuk. Zal het nog klaar zijn voor de wedstrijd van AMSS ? A marvelous piece of work love to see it painted. :thumb: Peter
  2. mertenspeter

    Leon + Matilada- Leon next step

    Looking forward to it :) :thumb: Peter
  3. mertenspeter

    40 K warrior

    Great painting Romain, on a very small scale :o :thumb: Peter
  4. mertenspeter

    Balian of Ibelin

    I have this one on my schelf, and i hope it turns out as good as yours, nice collors, well painted. :thumb: Peter
  5. mertenspeter

    romeo crusader

    I love the heraldry, and the figure in it's total verry good paintjob :thumb: Peter
  6. mertenspeter

    Pegaso Teuton

    Arthur, i love the heraldry on this one :o :thumb: Peter
  7. mertenspeter

    Leon and Mathilda - Leon's coat

    Roc, Looking forward to the rest of the paintingsesion :thumb: Peter
  8. mertenspeter


    Great work Thanos :o :thumb: Peter
  9. mertenspeter

    Figurebase for Woodland Indian

    Marvelous job, one of the best groundworks i have ever seen :o :o :thumb: Peter
  10. mertenspeter

    Renaissance Knight

    Great painting so far Jose :thumb: Peter
  11. mertenspeter

    The Belgian Cavalry at Work

    Is this one good ? Peter
  12. mertenspeter

    Belgian Chasseur a Cheval

    This is the site from the "2de Chasseur a Cheval " where i surved in 1981 ;) If you need any translation please let me know another one Pocket badges of the Belgian army Belgian...
  13. mertenspeter

    Belgian Chasseur a Cheval

    Le colback de la cavalerie de la Garde Civique2
  14. mertenspeter

    Belgian Chasseur a Cheval

    Le colback de la cavalerie de la Garde Civique A partir de 1894 jusqu'en 1914 la cavalerie de la Garde Civique porte le colback. Celui ci est du même modéle que celui des guides mais en peau brun.
  15. mertenspeter

    Belgian Chasseur a Cheval

    2 Guides, Maréchal de logis avec 2 chevrons d'ancienité et 3 brevets de tir
  16. mertenspeter

    Belgian Chasseur a Cheval

    I don't know what you are thinking Ross but here we go: 1 Maréchal de Logis CHEVALIER, 1 Lanciers, 1913
  17. mertenspeter


    Nice painting Perikles, that roman bust looks familiar :lol: :lol: :thumb: Peter
  18. mertenspeter

    Belgian Chasseur a Cheval

    We were equiped with so cald CVRT's that are 7 diferent types of recounacense vehickle ; one APC (Spartan),a 30mm gun (Scimmitar), a 80mm gun (Scorpion), a Rocketlauncher type, a recovery vehickle a commanding vehickle and a forgot the last one, i see if i can find anything abouth 1914 :) Peter
  19. mertenspeter


    Like some other planeteers said "I love the animal skin" wanna share? :thumb: Peter
  20. mertenspeter

    LaTorre's 30th Regt of Foot

    Great painting, a masterpiece :thumb: Peter