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  1. mertenspeter

    Holding larger metal figures while painting?

    I adjust my traveling boxes so they are secured in place
  2. mertenspeter

    Holding larger metal figures while painting?

    I made them in diferent sices for holding smal parts to large figures that stands with open legs(120mm)
  3. mertenspeter

    Holding larger metal figures while painting?

    This is why the big hole is in the handle :)
  4. mertenspeter

    Holding larger metal figures while painting?

    To ceep it from falling i made a standert to put the handels in, i made them in diferent sices but the base needs to be wide enough to prevent it from faling over with a large metal figure that is positiond out of balance
  5. mertenspeter

    Holding larger metal figures while painting?

    Nice piece of equipment but expencife, here is my method and it costs only abouth 1 dollar a piece :) A broomstick cut in to pieces of abouth 8cm, a large hole drilt on one side and on the other side a piece of aluminum profile atacht with a screw and a smal nail to prevent it from spinning...
  6. mertenspeter

    Michel Saez new indian bust

    I have to agree with Cicero very lifelike :o :o Peter
  7. mertenspeter

    "First Snow" Marcomannic Warrior - Finihsed

    Costas, nice paintwork love the groundwork :thumb: Peter
  8. mertenspeter

    Primus Pilus finish

    Great paintjob on a beautiful figure :thumb: :thumb: Peter
  9. mertenspeter


    Nice painting on al of your figures, you sure are a busy bee Love the pics, keep them comming :thumb: Peter
  10. mertenspeter

    Imperial Guard, Empress΄Dragoons Officer, 1806-15

    Xenofon, not my favorit period but i recognice a good painted figure when i see one. Love the green jacket, what collors did you use? :thumb: Peter
  11. mertenspeter

    On the road

    Thanks Jim, up until now it has only traveld by car and a don't think that their is gonna be anny change becaus Belgium is a small country and the roads are verry good, only the fuel is verry expensif ( meaby i take it out on a cycle :lol: ) When i need a lot of material i have some other...
  12. mertenspeter

    Leon & Mathilda

    Hi Kamil, some ideas - 5the elementh - Willow ( you don't need mutch putty :lol: ) - Hannibal - Chronickles off Riddick - Seven great movies with some great scenes to make for a talented sculpter :thumb: Peter
  13. mertenspeter

    On the road

    Nancy ~ Your welcome ~ The balance and weight is surpricely good for the dimention of the box. I maid it specialy so i don't have to take out al my acrylics any more but mearly place the box on my worktop wen comming home from the club Garry ~ i have tryd the tackleboxes and so on but than you...
  14. mertenspeter

    Reconstituting Old Paint

    I egree with you all, i can spend some nights in solitaire with my back-up paint bottles and tubes ;) :thumb: Peter
  15. mertenspeter

    On the road

    The problem is that i spend more time in my workshop than that i am painting ;) But that is al in the past now i am gonna start painting the full 100% :lol: Peter
  16. mertenspeter

    On the road

    thanks Guy, this is my latest box i made and i stil have to work it in :lol:
  17. mertenspeter

    On the road

    pic8 / finale picture
  18. mertenspeter

    On the road

    pic7 / i made the back so that it can be opened to put some brushes and other stuf in
  19. mertenspeter

    On the road

    pic6 / the front of the finisht box, colourd, varnisht and fild with the paintbottles
  20. mertenspeter

    On the road

    pic5 / assembled with a lid that slides in to the front to cover up when traveling