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  1. M

    Happy Birthday Ross Mahoney

    Cheers Guys, having a great day. Roy - The move went fine, rained a bit but nothing major. I know have my own study and modelling room though :) Ross
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    How many figure kits do you have in stock??

    Having just packed them for my move i think it is about 20-25. I used to have more but sold a load on ebay recently. Ross
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    Favorite Paint Poll

    For me it is oils. I tried acrylics a few years ago when I came to university, thought they would be easier for storage and have none of the need of white spirits etc, but in the end I just couldn't get to grips with them so eventually brought my oils back. For me they are just far easier to...
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    Elisena Miniatures

    What a nice looking figure. A nice relaxed pose of a subject not often seen. Anyone know of a distributor for the UK? Ross
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    Website updated

    Stephen - Website is looking great. Keep up the work. Ross
  6. M

    scratch of French Soldier Rº Infantry 1901

    Welcome to the Planet. Your figure looks uperb. One of my fav periods. Ross
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    Name plates

    Taking inspiration from Chris nameplates. I decided to give my PS a go and designed a plate to go with my MM Chassuer Alpine, 1915. Ross
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    Name plates

    Chris - Your nameplates look great. I use MS Word and print them off on good quality photo paper. I have PS but have yet to master it. I am getting there, my banner was designed with it. Hopefully I may be able to produce some nameplates like yours. I agree they all add to the 'effect' of the...
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    Uniform Accuracy

    Dariusz - I meant no disservice to Russian art. I meant it in jest. I agree some of the western work could be described as 'Osprey style.' Ross
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    Uniform Accuracy

    Bob - That is a great term for the Russian work, a Faberge Egg!! Ross
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    Uniform Accuracy

    Both Mike and Luca make a perfectly valid point. These Russian 'artists' are working on a different level, and on some of their subject I can appreciate it. My issue with this figure, and what inspired this thread, is that Lawerence's attire is fairly well know. If i'm not mistaken the figure is...
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    Uniform Accuracy

    Guy, I agree with you point it is beautifully painted but I don't know to me it just seems to detratct from it. Maybe knowing ruins it for me sometimes. If I was a complete novice I may not look at these things with such scutiny. Suppose i'm the figure version of a rivet counter!! Don't get me...
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    Uniform Accuracy

    Pete, brought up an interesting point about that 'Lawerence of Arabia' figure from the St Petersburg stable and how accurate it was for the period. IMHO it isn't, it may look lovely but for such a figure based upon contemporary acoounts and photos of what he wore it just seems out of place...
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    Sneak Peak.

    Janne - Superb a lovely scene of the brits at arnhem. Ross
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    Prusiano Official

    I have to agree very nice Roman. Superb work. Ross
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    Figures for Sale

    Hey guys, I have just listed a few more bits of my grey army on ebay. There will be by the end on tonight about 6 items listed. Among them is Kirin's General Custer bust. Ross
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    WW2 Russian Tanker uniforms questions... (mid war)

    Taesung - I'm no expert on the Soviet Army of WW2. But from a historical point of view it is entirely possible. The Soviets in 1943 were still rebuilding after the decimation wrought in 1941, so using older uniforms would have been quite natural. The only things which might not be applicable are...
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    Shimazu Arquebusier

    Dave - Looking great mate. Glad to see you sorted out your base problems. I have to agree with everyone else the tree and leaves look superb. Ross
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    "Going with a bang"

    Marijn - Very. Nice not a subject you see every day. What were your references for it? The pose is superb. Your can really tell he is trying to stop the grenade. Ross
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    How many bases in your stash?

    Just thought i would let you guys know i have found a website for Wiremill Design here in the UK. The bases look good. They can be found here: Wiremill Design Ross