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  1. jonliddelow

    H&V Germanic Warrior AD 9

    Hi mate. Bit of a departure but looking good the fur is going to be a challenge Jon
  2. jonliddelow

    16018 "the Charge" Usmc 1943/44 (1/16) - Alpine Miniatures

    very nice, the recent "Pacific" series really ignited my interest in this part of recent history, and the horrors that happened there. this figure captures the ferocity of those battles. but! is it me, or is the rifle too short? Jon
  3. jonliddelow

    British Officer Camel Guards Regiments 1885, Sudan War

    Hi all i've just uploaded copies of my figure there are seams on the left arm , but not too substantial, and well inline with other resin releases. this will easily clean up. you might be able to argue that with a limited release, and a premium price the standard should be higher, but i'm...
  4. jonliddelow

    Airbrushing Matt Varnish

    I've had mixed results, I always sworn by Hannants Xtracolour matt, but I,ve never tried the acrylic . I'm struggling to understand if there is an interaction with the oil that creates the sheen. I'm tempted to try a two pack epoxy Matt lacquer. i,ve used on gloss 2 pack on cars, because...
  5. jonliddelow

    Wwi German 2-seater Crew (1/32) - Model Cellar

    This is my favorite subject, WW1 aviation and the unsung 2 seater crews have often been over looked. Mike always delivers!! thanks. The early aviators, always seemed to have licence to wear any combination of uniforms that they liked, and it looks like the German fashion was to fur line their...
  6. jonliddelow

    British Officer Camel Guards Regiments 1885, Sudan War

    I think this figure is fantastic, a combination of Mr Latorre, and Mr Ortiz. I ordered one straight away, there was an issue with the payment, but this was resolved immediately with great comms from the Latorre website. looking forward to receiving it. Jon
  7. jonliddelow

    El Greco miniatures

    I have bought from Historex for over 30 Years, in fact I used to Knock on Lynn's door as a lad, and he would always stop what he was doing to let me browse through the celler, and buy kits. He always encouraged me, and looked at any work I showed him. obviously the wonders of the internet have...
  8. jonliddelow

    TW54E01 - Tommy's War 1914 Douglas motorcycle

    Thanks Darren for the reply, I've checked and it was really helpful Thanks again, Jon
  9. jonliddelow

    Dwarf 90mm

    wow pretty darn perfect, perfect palette, great detail the enlarged images just enhance your skill thanks for posting
  10. jonliddelow

    TW54E01 - Tommy's War 1914 Douglas motorcycle

    Hi received mine today, looks very fine, but I have to say that the instructions could have been printed somewhat larger, I know we deal in miniatures, but I think I may well need the magnifier for the step by step instructions. this is a small moan, the finished model will look great. Jon
  11. jonliddelow

    Continuation of JOHN SMITH MODELLBAU Figures WWI

    The info included in the kits is second to none the uniforms are really well researched, and the colour guides very comprehensive, I also like the ill fitting uniforms in these ranges Jon
  12. jonliddelow

    Open Book "Ltn. d.r.Joseph Mai" 1917 German WWI Ace - Stormtrooper Miniatures

    The box art is fabulous, WW1 aviation is my No1 area of interest. this just leaps out from the screen. Jon
  13. jonliddelow

    News La Meridiana

    Wow this is great, what a great subject, and completed with the usual ultra high skill of both the sculptor, and painter Jon
  14. jonliddelow

    TW54009 - Petty Officer, Royal Naval Air Service 1914. Tommy's War

    Hi Darren Great choice as usual, and while you are still in 1914 a great subject would be L battery RHA at Nery. The Petty Officer looks great as well cheers Jon
  15. jonliddelow

    RFC PILOT 1917

    David, I think your style is great, very muted, great flesh tones too. very neat & tight painting. Jon
  16. jonliddelow

    WIP Brunswick Jager of the Avantgarde, 1815. (1/9 bust)

    Hi mate spotted him a mile off love the profile especially the tache he really looks the part. Jon
  17. jonliddelow

    Elohim, Keratis Warrior

    simply sublime well done Jon
  18. jonliddelow

    Acrylics 1859 Kingdom of Italy - 150 Anniversary

    Beautiful in every shot, but I think the first "large Thumbnail" is great very grainy, and subdued, shows the skill of the painter off very well Jon
  19. jonliddelow

    German Sentry Western Front 1917

    I like the way Jon sculpts the tunics, they are usually ill fitting with filled pockets. David's painting is inspiring. it a shame its not 54mm though Jon
  20. jonliddelow

    WIP Critique First Sculpt

    Hi all I thought I'd try a bust sculpt after Blabsy gave me a blank manikin. I didn't have a plan, he just evolved, when I did the eyes he seemed to age. I decided that he could morph into a Napoleonic Spanish Guerilla, but I'm not to sure. he could be steam punky too I guess. I'm not...