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  1. Alexander Zelenkov

    New TGB Miniatures - Soviet Officer

    I post some link and you can see distinction: shoulder straps: belts: or cap: or...
  2. Alexander Zelenkov

    New TGB Miniatures - Soviet Officer

    Good work, I like what you make Soviet bust. But I should notice what this bust have many small mistake in historical authentic of uniform and insignia. Shoulder straps, belt buckle, holster and other details has mistakes and distorted dimensions.
  3. Alexander Zelenkov


    Great news! Very interesting theme and quality of sculpt. What is the height of this dinosaurs? Your link not work.
  4. Alexander Zelenkov

    News from Stalingrad

    Hello all! Now are available new figures from Stalingrad: # 3005 – German General and his driver # 3006 – German Officer # 3007 - German soldiers on excursion # 3008 - Girls On Beach # 3576 - Red Army Tanker # 3577 - Red Army Tanker
  5. Alexander Zelenkov

    SS Panzer Officers, Ardennes

    Boris, Great work! Excellent details and proportion in Braille scale! ----- Борис, очень нравится ваша скульптура! Деталировка и соблюдение пропорций в таком маленьком масштабе поразительны!
  6. Alexander Zelenkov

    Something Interesting For WWII ...

    Best conditions of DFS-230:
  7. Alexander Zelenkov

    Life Miniatures New Release

    Good work! Really beautiful sculpt and painting!
  8. Alexander Zelenkov

    Kings Figurines

    Good idea and good sculpt! I want see Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd also.
  9. Alexander Zelenkov

    Afghan Tribesman, North West Frontier, 1842, Grenadier Miniatures New Release

    Great sculpt! I like it bust! You can add Chinese AK-47 or US M-16 gun in kit as a conversion in modern or Soviet-Afghan war era Afghan warrior.
  10. Alexander Zelenkov

    Completed Critique Promise To Return!

    Very good work! Like it! Good idea with twin busts. ----------- Анастасия, очень хорошая работа, с настроением, мне нравится! Сделать двойной бюст - это интересная идея. Парочка небольших замечаний, если позволите. На мой взгляд несколько недостает объёма грудной клетки женщины. Может быть чуть...
  11. Alexander Zelenkov

    Stalingrad News

    Dear Sir, Now are available new figures and kits from Stalingrad: # 3010 – Ukrainian farmers cart # 3011 – Russian refugees with cart # 3544 – Russian refugee children # 3545 – Russian refugee woman # 3573 – Red Army Officer # 3574 – Red Army Officer # 3575 - Red Army Officer Our products you...
  12. Alexander Zelenkov

    Noble Russian Warrior. Ice Battle, 1242. 54 Mm.

    Great figures for diorama! ------- Классные фигурки! На диораме они будут смотреться обалденно!
  13. Alexander Zelenkov

    Completed Waffen-ss Infantryman Ardennes 1944

    Very clean and hight class work! Now grip of bread is OK.
  14. Alexander Zelenkov


    Fully self-made 1/35 scale vignette. Acrylic and tempera paints. More photos of work here: More photos of girl sculpt here: Figures available in Stalingrad line...
  15. Alexander Zelenkov

    Waffen-ss Infantryman

    Good work, I am really like his. But I believe what the grip of piece of bread is very rude and brutal. Usually people hold food more gently. On inspired front-line photo this moment very good showed. The sculpt of hand is very good, but grip of bread is very strong, IMHO.
  16. Alexander Zelenkov

    Stalingrad 1/35 News

    Dear Sir, Now are available new figures from Stalingrad: # 3543 - Russian Girl With Buckets, ХХ century # 3580 - German Infantrymen, winter 1942-45 Big Set # 3587 - German Infantryman, Kharkov winter 1942-43 # 3588 - Wounded Evacuation. German Infantrymen and boat-sled, 1942-45
  17. Alexander Zelenkov

    Stalingrad News

    Dear Sirs, Now are available new figures from Stalingrad: # 3581 - German Infantryman, Velikiye Luki, winter 1942-43 # 3582 - German Infantryman, Velikiye Luki, winter 1942-43 # 3583 - German Infantryman, Velikiye Luki, winter 1942-43 # 3584 - German Infantryman, Grossdeutschland div. Kharkov...
  18. Alexander Zelenkov

    H&v Miniatures: Sherlock Holmes & Dr. Watson

    Great work! Characters are catch.
  19. Alexander Zelenkov

    WIP 1/16 Tamiya Figure Conrsion

    Grenades are King Size :wideyed:
  20. Alexander Zelenkov

    16018 "the Charge" Usmc 1943/44 (1/16) - Alpine Miniatures

    Great work. Very nice sculpt and painting!