WIP 1/16 Tamiya Figure Conrsion


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Dr Force

A Fixture
Mar 7, 2010
Hi All

I have my next project underway and I have started my first figure conversion to add to the cast of the scene. It's about 90% there but lots of tidying up to do, I'm no great sculptor like the talented guys on here but I am pleased with my efforts:-

Doctor Force:

I admire all of your work a great deal. And definitely, I do NOT
have your talent for figure conversions. I am just likw Kermit the Frog
"Green" with envy. However, I looked at your photos. And you
realize I am only looking at photos, not at the actual figure of
that Wehrmacht soldier. But I looked at the head, the face and then
at the hands, and to me the hands are way too big for the proportions
of the head. I hope my comments are wrong. . . and that the photos
are just misleading. However, I presume you will look again at that
aspect of this very interesting and well done large figure.

Best regards,

The Miami Jayhawk
Hi guys, thanks for all your interest and comments.

The camera angle is a bit misleading on the proportions th hands and head are fine as I measured the new head with the original and it's about spot on but I'll check again and replace if required.

As for the grenades, they do look a bit large ( lol your post made me laugh) but its from a storm troopers 1/16 figure so guess they are the right scale?? I'll have another look and adjust if required as I have a spare shovel without the grenades.

I'll tinker and report back

Thanks everyone
Hi Guys

I have made the amendments and it has made a difference.

The head is now slightly larger, to balance the hands, and the grenades are gone. I have also added in the greatcoat belt detail at the back

Thanks for your help and support.
Ah yes, now that's the ticket. Let the Doctor Force be with you!
I liked HouseCarl's remark that I can't tell what is original kit
and what you have sculpted/fabricated. Indeed. I can not tell
either. So that definitely speaks volumes about your critical
eye and skill level. I agree re the latest photos. It was an
optical illusion! The head size and hands seem right on now.
And as a Senior Citizen, it seems I suffer under a lot of illusions.
But whatever. . . Model building keeps me hummin'
and happy. :);)

And aware of what an incredibly comprehensive hobby we are
involved in. No way can we ever learn it all. . . .

Great work.

But I actually prefer the first head, and he now seems to be somewhat "distracted", looking over yonder somewhere instead of down the barrel of his Schmeisser.

- Steve
Thanks everyone.

Steve he is distracted as I have 6 other figures, a couple of which are in close proximaty so Im not fussed about him looking directly down the sights. The head was definately to small in consideration of the hands and the rest of the body. Alpine are a smaller 1/16 scale IMO so they only tend to look right on their own figures. The other thing I could easily do is paint the eyes so they are looking down the sights. Its all part of another huge dio so alot to consider when it comes to the point of no return.

Alpine are a smaller 1/16 scale IMO so they only tend to look right on their own figures.

1/16 scale heads will look good only on a true 1/16 scale figures...
not on a mis-scaled or mis-labeled figures.

Have you measured the height of this Tamiya figure?

In my opinion, both heads work. I don't think the head was the problem.
Unless you change the boots and shave down the hands, no new head
will make it look right.

Another thing I noticed in this conversion is the long coat. The upper body is double breasted.
But the lower part is single breasted.

Good luck!