You are better cutting the top v shaped bit off and fitting it first then filling any gap,I tried heating it but it did,nt work for me.there,s a picture of mine in the platoon thread in the compleated figures if you want a look.
Hi Pete,
Don Troiani has done a painting showing the 17th in a green uniform which they appear to have worn in America,by the way it is not a badge but a motto the 17/21st would be very upset to hear it called a badge:D
Hi Pete,
I bow to their research but it just seems strange to me that as they wanted to be seen as still a highland regiment and it was the bonnet cocked up why would they remove the torrie since it was part of the bonnet under the feathers and still tie on the peak.We will just...
Hi Pete,
Found this on the Napoleonic Wars Forum.So I,m afraid the reinactors have got it wrong though some of their caps seem to be a bit smaller than the regulation cap.By the way the officers wore a plain Light Infantry cap with no band
1810.01.31 Letter from Horse Guards to CO...
Hi Pete,
In 2 of the pictures you posted you can see the torie one I think from Osprey also the peak at this time would be tied on as with the highland bonnet and the bow and tails would be hanging at the back. the HLI or the Royal Highland Fusiliers as was is a local regiment their...
Realy excellent,I like the way the tartan has been toned down and looks lived in.Just one small point I think at that time it was more likely to be a clay pipe:)