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    Hi Steve! I was referring mostly to the printed material. It's cheaper than metal in many ways, or at least it can be. Shipping it is also cheaper. Yes, detail is sharper in some cases, or just look sharper. It is more difficult to get damages, however, I know people who claim that OLDER resin...
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    THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I'm so glad those figures are not lost! In my opinion, Laruccia is an incredible artist, in terms of anatomy, details and historical research! All of his figures have artifacts (helmets, swords, clothes) that come from museum objects with superb accuracy! Please give it a...
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    Hello! I wish everyone is healthy! Anybody knows what happened to Marco Lucetti's SFG Soldiers Company? Some amazing figures used to be produced by this company and I don't find them now! Any new manufacturer? Should we hope that someone will cast those again? Thanks a...
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    Poste Militaire Ugrian

    Hello! I was wondering if anyone knows where I could find this figure: Poste Militaire 90 mm Ugrian Standard Bearer I need a Mint/Unopened kit. Any help would be highly appreciated! -Kostas.
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    General Kato

    Hi all! Hi Rocco!I'm happy to see that you have continued the work on this cool piece and you've done such a great job!This one looks very beautiful!I've got only one thing to mention:The femor protection armor pieces are silken cloths on which metallic laquered plates or scales are...
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    Swordmater of Hoeth

    Hi all! Hello Fernando!I also cannot believe this is your third sculpting!Amasing!Symmetrical,smooth,clearly seperated different parts,fine details,thin and realistic clothes and armor,normal pose,great anatomical analogies! Since you asked for negative comments as well,if I had...
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    Samurai 90mm Pegaso

    Hi all! Glenn,Samurais are one of my favorite subjects and I can say that this is maybe the most realistic armor I've ever seen painted!If you check some pics of reproduction pieces you may understand it yourself you've done a great job!If you want my opinion,I would give a coat of matt...
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    Question about Poste Millitaire Mamluk 1400 C.

    Hi all! I'm very glad to have received in great condition a copy of Poste Militaire Mamluk 1400 JH-02.I consider myself lucky because Poste Militaire is out of business and I wanted this great piece for a long time! I've always wandering though if the armor and especially...
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    Samurai Arquebusier by Bart Prijs

    Hi all! Hi Bart and welcome to the Planet!I think I need some more pictures,too ;).Your figure is very nicely painted and looks very realistic(as far as I can judge from the pic...).Very carefully painted and nice color choise! Guy,thanks for posting! Bravo...
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    Figure Site

    Hi all! I found this one a few minutes ago and I thought it would be interesting for some of you: I hope you like it! -Kostas.
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    Roy Hunt Miniatures

    Hi all! I must admit this is a great piece and it's from now on in my "Wish List"!Although I cannot imagine a Mongol Warrior without a Mongolic pony and a bow,but this jacket looks really great and for a brave modeler there is much place for modifications! Great figure...
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    Hi all! Hi there!I was a fantazy painter before I start with historical minis and I can say this one rocks!Great pose,great appearence,great detail! Bravo to you! -Kostas.
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    The best horseman figure in 54mm or 70mm??

    Hi all again! Thabks a lot Labossa for the pics! Cheerz! -Kostas.
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    Bill Horan's books list.

    Hello all! Please,could anyone offer a list of titles of books written by Bill Horan?I'm making my efforts on sculpting and I have to thank all of the members on the Planet for their useful tutorials,but I still miss some knowledge,so I decided to purchase some books...
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    The best horseman figure in 54mm or 70mm??

    Hi all! Hi there!Sorry I cannot offer a picture(please,if any of the members can do it,give a pic!),but in this site: you can find code SMES-02.This is Siegfried (mounted German warrior attacking another German warrior).Sculpted by Adrianno...
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    Kato's horse step 1 and 2.

    Hi all! Hi Rocco!No tail?But how does it keeps away the flies?Ok,you've chosen my favorite color for a horse,but the most difficult(your brave man!). A question:Why and how did you use this king of tool to hold your figure while painting it?Ok,of course you do not have to touch...
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    gladiator helmet

    Hi all! Hi Dimitri!If I'm not mistaken,you have painted the figure in acrylics,right? 1-If you use acrylics,you have to thin your paint in MUCH more water(always distilled!).This way you will get thinner layers on the figure and every detail will be clearer.Furthermore,you...
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    Anybody else having trouble?

    Hi all! No,I didn't had any problems,but on the upper left corner,together with the links Forums Vbench Gallery Tools and Shop used to he a link -Home.Now this one does not exist and I have to push refresh to check the main page whenever I take an action. Try to load the...
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    Need help researching The Samurai.

    Hi all! Hi Roc!And what a great choice!I am a fan on the subject so I've read a lot about them! I could provide you pics of Samurais and any info,just ask me :).Please,go on on specific questions. You're gonna start with the horse,right?Ok,paint the horse as you...
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    question on printers ink?

    HI all! Scott,printer inks are based on white spirit.Every paint that is also based on white spirit(enamels,oils) can be mixed with them and will suceessfully dry together. Printer inks can be used alone and they will dry to level.Even if mixed with other paint,printer...