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  1. Anonymous1

    Completed LIGHT!

    Phil Bracco: Painting figures is really a matter of observing and studying, how different objects reacts under different light conditions, and personal preferences, I may not be the best painter in the world, I do okay, but I'm a good observer, seeing a piece like this, I cant help reacting on...
  2. Anonymous1

    Completed LIGHT!

    Ron Tamburrini: No offense taken :) personal preferences is a matter of what one likes, off course, in accordance with how things look in real life, right? And to me it dosent seem realistic, sorry. Personally I dont use the word “ART“ in connection with figure painters, the old masters made...
  3. Anonymous1

    Completed LIGHT!

    Usually I keep out of commenting other peoples figures :) One must determine, with ones own preferences, if this forum, is just for appraisal of anything, or the purpose is giving a qualified ohnest personal oppinion? Having said that, I must disagree with the comments given here, having studied...
  4. Anonymous1

    New finishes from name It! name plates

    They look very nice, bit I cant help commenting on the spacing between letters, which is not good ?
  5. Anonymous1

    "Brothers In Arms, Korea 1950" - WIP

    Hi Tony, thanks for leading the attention to this figure, I've noticed it a long time ago, a really master sculpt, tell me is it a one casting piece? The quality in this figure isent in my eyes, on the lack of details or colour, but on the human, emotional side of war, so perfectly caught by...
  6. Anonymous1

    Jean-Armand du Peyer - 75mm Alexandros Models Review

    Am I going blind or… Hi Guy and thanks for your review on what seems to be a fantastic figure, beeing a flat painter myself, its been a long time since I put my brush on a round figure, but still I can see when a real beauty appears. :) And this one shurely caught my eye. A GREAT ONE I have a...
  7. Anonymous1

    Minden flats update

    I havent finished mine yet, but heres where I am right now, all figures from Fredericus Rex Also a 30 mm Lancer I'm working on right now, sorry for the quality, not my pictures, I still have to find a good camera :) Kindest regards Kjeld Buchholtz
  8. Anonymous1

    Minden flats update

    Hi Roger, well to me theres no “common media“ to paint flats :):):) What ever you think works for you, is a s good as anything else :):):) I've seen what Gregg de Franco does in acrylics, scary I can tell you :):):) Regards Kjeld Buchholtz
  9. Anonymous1

    Minden flats update

    At last some flats (: (: (: Hi looks good so far, I'm painting the same figure right now, the one on the left, it has some very diffucult areas on the front leg, because of the angle of the foot compared to the knee, and the parts between them, so its hard paint the area correctly, I have to...
  10. Anonymous1

    Mandan Indian

    Looks promising Hallo Ed the figure is by German Historia Müller, they have a big selection, on this theme, many of them made from osprsy books on American indians:) Kindest regards Kjeld Buchholtz
  11. Anonymous1

    Sculpting a horse....

    Hallo Makus, like I said so many times before, you are very talented, and getting better and better with each new figure Kindest regards Kjeld Buchholtz (a fellow HZ-forum member)
  12. Anonymous1

    Recent Work

    It's really nice to see flats here, beeing solely a flat painter myself, I do hav the same figures and planes lined up for a future project, and the good thing is THEY ARE FLAT, and dosent take as much space, as if they were 3D((: My compliments Kjeld Buchholtz
  13. Anonymous1

    A new member says hallo

    Hejsan Janne Yes I was there, a good and well executed and organised show Ha det bra Kjeld B
  14. Anonymous1

    A new member says hallo

    Roger and Pete Thanks a lot, I can promise you will see more Regards Kjeld B
  15. Anonymous1

    A new member says hallo

    Hallo Planet Figure Even though some of you are familiar to me, beeing new here, I would like to make a short presentation of myself 56 years old living just outside Copenhagen, married and having my small one man Graphic Design company. I have walked the usual long road, in modelling over...
  16. Anonymous1

    [RESOLVED] Look kids, no avatar!

    Hallo again, it works now, don't know if it was you or me, thanks anyway regards Kjeld Buchholtz
  17. Anonymous1

    Critique, accuracy issues and you

    To Enion and others Thanks for a very signifigant tread. The following shal not be taken as a “final word“ on anything, just my personal observations, not on this forum, but on the hobby as general through almost 40 years. In my world, this tread is a key question, since the internet and the...
  18. Anonymous1

    [RESOLVED] Look kids, no avatar!

    No awatar Hallo Gordy, cant get mail through to you, a message saying: “Delivery to the following recipients failed.“ Regards Kjeld Buchholtz
  19. Anonymous1

    Satin finish?

    Try to add some liquin to the colour you use, not much, just a bit, it will add some sheen to the colour, do test try it, perhaps on some older figure, to test how much will fit your requirement Kindest regards Kjeld Buchholtz
  20. Anonymous1

    [RESOLVED] Look kids, no avatar!

    The same problem here I'm sorry to say Kindest regards Kjeld Buchholtz