Usually I keep out of commenting other peoples figures

One must determine, with ones own preferences, if this forum, is just for appraisal of anything, or the purpose is giving a qualified ohnest personal oppinion?
Having said that, I must disagree with the comments given here, having studied light, and how it appears on figures/faces, I must say this does not qualify, in my book, if its the picture well I must rephrase my critic, first of all the face, in the shadow/light parts, are not convincing, the sculpture is far too harsh and unrealistic, and the colours too! The study of lights and colours of complementary shading are not followed, it looks like a victim of “Goldfinger“ sorry, but I cant just let this pass me by, without commenting, after all this is what this Forum should be about, right!
Study the old Masters and how they portrayed a face, with light on one side!!
I have lately seen many figures, not beeing “realistic“, neither in the sculpture, or the painting of these, perhaps its a trend! We must have left the purpose of portraying realistically, the different ways, of scaling down a full scale person to a smaller scale? Both in the sculpture and the painting! Well if Science Fiction is the keyword, so be it?