Completed LIGHT!


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Feb 10, 2011
Ciao ! This is my last work , now displayed at the WE . I was thinking to make a figure such this from long time . When I saw Yuri Serebriakov's pirate I understand that was time to catch the light !!

lightb001.jpg lightb002.jpg lightb003.jpg lightb004.jpg lightb005.jpg lightb006.jpg
Ciao ! This is my last work , now displayed at the WE . I was thinking to make a figure such this from long time . When I saw Yuri Serebriakov's pirate I understand that was time to catch the light !!

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i love the paintjob on this figure,really nice done.

could you please give us a detail on the colors use on the Hat?,acrylics ,oils?,colors?
Thanks !
Εxcellent paint job my friend!!!!
I feel lucky already because I would see this miracle of close to Euro Danilo

Usually I keep out of commenting other peoples figures :)
One must determine, with ones own preferences, if this forum, is just for appraisal of anything, or the purpose is giving a qualified ohnest personal oppinion?
Having said that, I must disagree with the comments given here, having studied light, and how it appears on figures/faces, I must say this does not qualify, in my book, if its the picture well I must rephrase my critic, first of all the face, in the shadow/light parts, are not convincing, the sculpture is far too harsh and unrealistic, and the colours too! The study of lights and colours of complementary shading are not followed, it looks like a victim of “Goldfinger“ sorry, but I cant just let this pass me by, without commenting, after all this is what this Forum should be about, right!
Study the old Masters and how they portrayed a face, with light on one side!!
I have lately seen many figures, not beeing “realistic“, neither in the sculpture, or the painting of these, perhaps its a trend! We must have left the purpose of portraying realistically, the different ways, of scaling down a full scale person to a smaller scale? Both in the sculpture and the painting! Well if Science Fiction is the keyword, so be it?
We must bear in mind that this is a three dimensional figure in a small scale, so you have to exaggerate the light and shade ,and to show light coming from one angle in 3D is always going to fail in some direction, that put aside this is a splendid piece of art and
I only wish I could paint half as good .

As you say this is an open forum and you are right in some aspects, that sometimes
praise is not justified but in this case I think you are wrong.
Don't take offense it is only my view and not personal .
Art is about pushing boundaries. Utilizing old techniques to produce new results. Seeing "life", and reproducing it.
Danilo has attempted all of the above in his latest work, it seems. While the lucky ones in Montrose are seeing this in person, we on pF are limited to the images of what I'm guessing is a very difficult piece to photograph.
The sculpt cries out for artists to try various methods to recreate the lamp effect. It will be interesting to see how painters handle this difficult task - firstly their vision, and secondly their technique.
Danilo has been (I think) the first to post images of this figure on pF. His effort deserves praise for all that he has done to convey the image of a pirate holding a lamp at night. In this, he has succeeded.
Might other artists take a different approach? Certainly. Our friends in the mini and fantasy worlds have been experimenting with fire/light and shadow for years. Their efforts, produced with modern products (paints, brushes), deserve study, as do the old masters' works, produced with mediums and tools different from those we now use. It will be exciting to see how other large-figure painters tackle this project.
Based on these images, I very much like Danilo's painted version of this sculpt!
Ron Tamburrini:
No offense taken :) personal preferences is a matter of what one likes, off course, in accordance with how things look in real life, right? And to me it dosent seem realistic, sorry.
Personally I dont use the word “ART“ in connection with figure painters, the old masters made ART, we only add paint to a miniature. Making it too seriously, only destroys the fun involved, and scares off new enthusiats.
Round figure painters do have a problem with lights, mowing a figure a few inches dosent portray the painted figure well, as the lights and shadow fall completely different. Beeing a flat figure painter myself, we are constantly faced, with the light and shadow problem.

The points you make are valid and it probably doesn't work properly from
a light point of view as the entire rear of the figure would be in deep shadow
if the lamp was the only light ,it would work well with a flat figure as you are working in two dimensions and could create the light coming from the source,

As for art I only meant in the modeling sense and not a Rembrandt or such.

Ronnie T
I think the technique is absolutely superb, and the sculpture is very fine. The whole idea is rather new in miniatures, not brand new, but somewhat new. And I am firmly of the opinion this artist is of high accomplishment. Wonderful application of paint. Bravo.
But the opposite side of the light area of the face looks black, not like a face in shadow to almost looks as if it were rubbed with eyeblack or something eqiuivalent to it. Night ops kind of stuff....
I think it boils down to too dark a color chosen to illustrate the point. If toned back to a browner, more natural hue,,,,this is a BIS in many places...if that's a criteria.
Dear friends ,
thanks to all , I appreciate all the reply ! This is a frist step for me , trying something new . The main difficult task was to make light and shadow that can be seen under a lamp . I have to stronger the lights , to contrast natural shadows , and deepen the shadow , to contrast the natural lights !
About the tecnique , as usual for me , it's a mix tecnique of acrilics and oils . Face , and leather parts are in oils , fabrics and cap are made with acrilics .
Here, to understand well what I mean, you can see a pics of the figure with the lamp put under the figure .


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