1/12 Carthaginian War Elephant Bust


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Hello Mr. Wayneb

Thank you so much for your comment... I believe that RPmodels is one of the first companies that use 3D... Many things happened. I remember in the beginning, the dificulty for people accept the 3D... Today plenty of companies are using 3D
In my opinion the most important thing is enjoy the hobby and try to fight against the race of life... The hobby its important for we can relax and enjoy the moments with family and friends... This is the most important thing...

Since RPmodels started I try to talk with people and tell them the 3D its just a tool... NOTHING ELSE... Its a bisturi in medicine or hammer in construction... Its just away... I think today, there are some people believe that its just push the button and its done... Im telling this but this isnt this case... That you think its just to push the botton and ist done... For me its very important each one have an opinion and a idea of something...

I would like to ask you just a few moments to explain the process that we work... I dont live from the hobby... Ive my own professional carrier... This is just a passion and for me its away to bring people to live... People that we forgot or we never heard because they are in the fog and the names are forgotten...

This is the big purpose of RPmodels... Honor people in same way or other way, fight for freedom and their believes for we can live in a better world... Dont think this is a romantic idea, because this is something that I believe...

Ive 2 studios in diferent parts of the world, with 3D artits in both... I do meetings with my studios every day or most of the days... I have to fix anatomy, fisiology, explain plenty of things and sometimes its dificult work and the challenge its huge... But we are persistent, and we want the best... So we share our screen in computer and I have the chance and opurtonity to correct the anatomy and fisiology, gear, equipement, weapons and other stuff... You can tell me... Hugo we dont see the body above, we just se armour or clothes... And ist true... But if the anatomy is wrong when you put the clothes above, you see something strange... You can have dificulty to explain, but you now there are something strange... And its because of that, we work harder and harder... If you see, develop a 3d sculpt its more dificult than the traditional, in my opinon of course... In traditional you see the sculpt every time so you have the idea what you have to change and correct... In 3D no... You develop the sculpt and then you print, without 100% sure if you are right... I remember Lord Lovat... We printed 11 heads to understand how deep we have to do for we can have maxium of detail... And the dificulty work with textures? It was another nightmare... For example... the Sun Tzu horse... The first horse that we did it was wrong... We have to do another one... from beginning... Imagine the metal stripes in a traditiomal sculpt... You dont have them in 3D... But you have a net... So when the net broke, what you can do... The better way its start from beginning or you will have a big chance to have problems in 3D print... Has you can see, 3D sculpt and print its a world.... I believe there are other ways to develop 3D works... We have our own way and this is the way that I will keep working...

Im very happy because he sucess of the elephant... We did a Limited Edition of 300 pieces and everthing its RESERVE... the only pieces available are with my partners... But this have another thing.... The responsability and the weight that you have in your shoulders.... people expect from you good figures... People are waiting for your news... So you have to work better and harder to correspond to the expectations... You have to work for people that believe in you and support you... You have to maintain the trust in your produts... Isnt the first time that people said '(...) its much better in the reallity then the 3D renders.' This is a big responsability... And of course a victory and personnal proud...

I dont want boring you any more and please don't see this words like a way to try to convince you... I am sharing just some rotine day in RPmodels...
Thank you so much.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
And ... I think you guys are all thinking who´s going to be the lucky bastard to be the first one to paint this BEAUTY !!

:happy::happy: Yes it´s really me ...
I´ll put one good picture very soon, so you can see, meanwhile stay with the primed head, full of character ...
I can asure you that is a really special Figure
Paulo Carrelo
And ... I think you guys are all thinking who´s going to be the lucky bastard to be the first one to paint this BEAUTY !!

:happy::happy: Yes it´s really me ...
I´ll put one good picture very soon, so you can see, meanwhile stay with the primed head, full of character ...
I can asure you that is a really special Figure
Paulo Carrelo

Get painting Paulo ...why not do a VBench SBS on the piece ....looking forward to seeing mine arrive ...very soon !

Hello Paulo

Thank you so much for the photo... I want to see the final end tomorrowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... LOL... LOL...

Big ugg
Hello mt GOOD FRIEND Kevin

Paulo will do a tremendous job... Believe me... It will be ready to Folkstone...

Big ugg.
Hugo Pereira
Hello Mr. Malc

Thank you so much for your words... Im very happy because you like it... Your comments give strenght to RPmodels team to continue working hard and hard... We want grow and develop better and better figures...

Thank you so much.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
Any chance of telling or showing us the size of this? I know it's huge but would like to have a sense of it. A lovely and unusual bit of work.
Hello Mr. Steve

This is a tremendous piece... With lots or resin and its full of character... Something diferent in our hobby... Something that we can enjoy it... Its what you said... A big mount of resin for a very good price... A unique piece...

Thank you so much.
With best regards
Any chance of telling or showing us the size of this? I know it's huge but would like to have a sense of it. A lovely and unusual bit of work.

elephant and car.JPG Ehhhh ... something like this Steve ....

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