Hi Dave, thought it was strange not to get a reply from you!
Doubt you want the T34 bits now.......but I still have that large base if your interested mate. Drop me a PM if you want details.
Pics by PM doesn't work unless your a supporter mate, so let me have your e-mail, and I will get some over to you.
All good with me mate thanks, and judging by your latest masterpiece, your having a lot of fun.
I really like how you are packing the action in this one Dave. It's gotta be a pain to paint all that detail in all those knooks and cranies. Great job buddy.
Thanks for all you compliments guys, amazing stuff coming from such great modellers.
Apologies for the lack of replys etc but I have been busy with work and life in general. I have managed to get some bench time and managed to get the majority of the internal groundwork complete. There is still some painting to do here, as well as other bits but it really is time to start on the figures.
I have done away with the internal cylinders as there is too little space internally to make it look right.....kind of feels like I'm cramming stuff in so I am just going with the factory floor.
The first figure to be completed will be the dead guy in the corner, this will allow me to then finish off the internal and external groundwork as the rubble and bricks need to be carefully placed once he is in position!
Hey, those colors are really coming out and this is coming to life Bro. Good to see I'm not the only one who breaks the gun barrels, lol. I've learned to remove them in any scale, no worries.
I have managed to paint two figures and placed them on the dio, some final touches with bricks and rubble etc but they are good to go!! Only another 7 and a Tank to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!