Hi Mick and all,
My apologies, please let me confirm it will be released this year.
I sculpt for a company full time and also run CGS on my own doing all moulding and casting etc.
I appreciate it has been since Sept last year when I took ownership of the piece and thank you all for your patience and especially Kaz, I hope he is still patient with me
I really pride myself on quality rather than quantity and want to do it justice.
It takes a long time to sprue and mould correctly and then the multiple casts, this kit has a lot of parts and extremely detailed.
I have many masters for release and work on them alongside my sculpting work, when I release a kit I also need to meet demand with castings so I am conscious of not releasing too many kits at once.
Again my apologies for those that are looking forward to this, I too am and can assure you it will be worth the wait

It is sort of the double edged sword of showing it prior to a release date and gaining interest or showing only when ready, both of which have benefits
Best wishes and thanks again