I’m still mulling over the various options for rivets but in the meantime I have been printing away and I have created the upstand walls (gunwhales?)of this deck, which I am calling the Main Deck. There is actually a break between the main hull sides and these - they are not just a continuation of the hull.
That’s not me ,by the way.
As with the hull sides I had originally expected to make them out of plastic sheet, but these files were created at the same time as the files for the hull side experiment, and happily I DID manage to 3D print these smaller pieces of flat section in resin successfully, complete with their rivets. The handrails were not so successful as they warped like crazy, so rather than persevere with the resin I did them on the FDM printer ,which is why they are blue.
The handrails did have their rivets included but they looked awful so as there was only about 100 I decided to do sand them off and do them by hand.
You may wonder why I didn’t include every bit of detail and print each piece complete - well the answer is it‘s a question of minimising the amount of supports to remove; it's the equivalent in aggro of removing mould lines and sprue gates on an injection moulded model. So as I am master of my own destiny this is the way I do it - in this case more bits mean less work - call me ICM if you like!
There are still vertical fins to add to the inside, they are printed but they will have to wait as I am away for a day or two to celebrate my newest granddaughter's first birthday.
That's it for now, thanks for watching and see you next week!