Right then, I’ve been busy with the covered walkway
It was bit tricky to figure out a way of temporarily holding it all together whilst I fitted the beams, but I got there in the end.
The original intention was to leave the top open and simply close it with the deck above(which is going to be separate), but that proved to be too difficult, so I added a thin sheet of plastic(clear, because that’s all I have that’s long enough) to glue the beams to, which makes the whole thing much more stable. I will just make the deck above a bit thinner .It’s not helped by the fact that the upper deck slopes . Apart from access for painting the reason I want a bit of removability is that there are hooks with cables underneath.
I was able to print the hooks as part of the beams
And then came the fun part- adding the pipes and cables.
The black foam blocks are what I used to hold the wire in place for the drooping effect. I used a mixture of solder wire and old headphone wires which was nice and flexible.
I’ve made it a bit busier than the real thing for a bit of interest.
And this is as far as I've got -I'm looking forward to getting some paint on it, only a few more bits left.
Thanks for sticking with me.