1: 35th Zvezda Mtn. Trooper


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Whoa, Flash "Gordon". . .

Hey Chippy:

Glad you decided to "rocket" on over to this Planet, Planeteer! Glad you like
where this thing has gone since I sent you the last round of photos. That is a
good question, Chippy about whether I will add more cut lazer printer
paper leaves to the scene. I have been mulling that over in my mind; and am
tryin' to remember that sometimes less is more; so to speak. ;)

But I think the best thing to do is work on the two figures, and get them
painted and in place, and then make a decision based on what the
composition is telling me as I look at it from a number of angles; and then
decide if I want to add more leaves in the limbs of the tree. I could be
OVER-thinking this thing, you realize. But I do have plenty of extra leaves.

BTW, this is the first time I've tried to make a tree from roots I pullout out
of the ground from a lilac bush in my back yard. I got the idea from a
contest held in Kansas City in 2006; the IPMS National convention, and
made a note of it. Thanks again, mate,

ricardo, . . . the plane . . . the plane ;);)
Hey Rick,

Good to have you back here and with new work as well!
Looks like this will be an exiting set-up. I very much like the elevated position for the figures.
I look forward to the actual figs! I'm surprised to hear that these Zvezda plastic ones are any good. Well I guess these Eatern European producers are growing up!

Thank you fellow Planeteers. . . :cool:

Hi Ferris/Adrian:

So good of you to take a look at my latest "exercise" in trying to improve at
doing 1:35th scale figures and vignettes/dioramas. And thanks for mentioning
the aspect of this "outcropping" that shows its height. The base wooden box
that the terrain base sets down into is about 2 and a haff inches tall as well.

My idea is, since I like to compete and build for competition, that height
attracts attention. And that is one of the reasons for the cliff kind of set up.
I've used this kind of idea before, but haven't posted the images here, since
the work is rather embarrassing, not done very well.

I started buying Zvezda figures with their Russian Cossack sets and altho
I thought the figures were not too good, I really liked their horses. In this
latest set, as I previously said in the thread, I see a major improvement.
Of course, there are so many other eastern European competitive
companies out there, I would think that fact would mean the learning curve
would improve rather quickly. Eduard really has been a major impact on
all those other countries in that same region, as I see it.

Thanks again, Adrian,

Hit the mark, indeed!

Yo Mr. Benette:

Always good to hear from you Mark, As I appreciate your major skill so
much, plus the way you put these most educational SBS and WIP photos
of your figure work.

Thanks again, for the encouragement,

Miami Jayhawker