I got 32 more re-cast busts from China, for training. I hope, once I will paint the face as masterpiece
32??? Seriously???
There are two very good reasons NOT to buy recast busts "for training" (or for any other reason, for that matter):
1) Even the very best painters have a hard time trying to turn a crappy cast into a respectable finished piece. And most recasts are of a noticeably inferior quality to the real deal. The old saying that
"you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear" was rarely more true. You will achieve better results - and learn much faster - by buying good-quality originals. If you're not happy with the results, you can always give the thing a Dettol bath and start over.
2) No figure manufacturers that I'm aware of are in the business in order to become millionnaires. Most are driven by a love of the hobby, some just do it as a sideline to their 'day-jobs' and are happy if they make a modest profit - or for that matter cover their costs. Some companies are more "serious" larger-scale businesses (Pegaso and Andrea for example), but even they work to relatively tight margins. So by buying fakes instead of originals, you are depriving the legit boys of turnover to plough back into new figures. Quite a few figure companies have gone tits-up over the past few years (Elite, Seil, S&T, JMD and Latorre spring immediately to mind, but there are other smaller ones as well), others release new stuff only once in a blue moon. Sending your money to Chinese pirates on eBay isn't going to help others avoid the same fate.
Anyhow, lecture over. For what it's worth and recast issues aside, I think this is a very respectable first attempt and I agree with Tony that you have the makings of a good painter.
- Steve