This coming along nicely. I bought three of these figures one for me and two I will give to family members for Christmas presents. I have painted one and went crazy painting the jacket, there are so many folds and wrinkles. I probably painted it 4 times now as it was looking like zebra stripes.
I really, really, like your painted jacket. Can I ask if you are done painting it? I am thinking it might be easier to get the look I want, by following your lead and airbrushing it.
Can I make a request? Would you be willing to post a closer picture of the left arm area (either here or on your blog)? That is where I could not let go and kept painting it over and over.
Also the "five o'clock," shadows are so subtle did you stipple that in or was this a non painted black undercoat? I think you nailed the skin tones perfectly!!!
Thanks for sharing your work!