120mm DAK


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More 120mm Dak

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Ray Mootsey

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2004
Is it just me, but is there a lack of 120mm DAK figures out there.The North African campaign is one of my main subjects,and I love 120mm because of my age. I can see what I am doing. Please to all Sculptors consider this subject, I think it is long overdue.Thank You for listing to my little rant.
The one DAK, piece that I would love to have done was this!.. $(KGrHqZHJBIFBI3+3cfgBRBO7Zv5tw~~60_35.jpg..! but the price now is madness!. plus there is no way that I would be able to construct it! and its an awkward, fiddly bugger!


Hello Ray, I also was thinking the same thing the other day. Since Alpine's 1/16th scale DAK figure, there hasn't been any new releases in 120mm, or 1/16th, that I can think of. I agree with you, and also would like to see some new figures from the desert war of WW2, not just german subjects, in this scale. Hopefully, some manufacturers will release some soon. I hope the wait isn't to long. Regards, SG:)
View attachment 134092 Hello Ray, I also was thinking the same thing the other day. Since Alpine's 1/16th scale DAK figure, there hasn't been any new releases in 120mm, or 1/16th, that I can think of. I agree with you, and also would like to see some new figures from the desert war of WW2, not just german subjects, in this scale. Hopefully, some manufacturers will release some soon. I hope the wait isn't to long. Regards, SG:)

Maybe we can convince Kaz to work on a 1/16 sculpt after he's done with the officer and doberman :)
Maybe we can convince Kaz to work on a 1/16 sculpt after he's done with the officer and doberman :)
I was thinking the same thing Rompy. I know Kaz was working on a 200mm DAK I believe, at one time w/mg42. I would love to see him do this figure in 1/16th, the pose was great. We can only hope. I'm sure after his Officer and Doberman set, Kaz will be getting many requests. Regards, SG:)
Hello Ray, While doing some research on DAK figures, I found this boxart for, (I believe the now discontinued) Ultimate Soldier action figures. This would make an excellent figure in 1/16th, or 120mm, or a possible conversion if the parts could be found. Thought I would share it with you, the pose is great, similar to Moz's outstanding figure. Regards, SG:)
I will be starting work very soon on a 1/9 DAK bike rider to accompany the 1/9(Esci) bike kits, I am just finishing the first figure which will be a standard German bike rider for either Eastern or Western front, he should be available very soon, just putting final touches on now, then it will be straight on to the DAK figure.

Hello Steve, A 1/9 DAK bike rider is a very unexpected surprise, I have the BMW R75 with sidecar just waiting for a rider. Thank you for making my day. Ray
Great news about the upcoming rider figures, especially the DAK one. I hope Steve is thinking about a set to accompany the sidecar. Its been awhile since we've seen some new figures for these motorcycle kits. I also have a couple of these kits stashed away Ray, but was waiting for the possibility of seeing some Waffen SS motorcycle troops in this scale. I'll have to wait to see what Steve is offering. Regards, SG:)
I will be doing a 1/9 crew of 2 for the DAK project, I hope to have some more news on this very soon.
SG a Waffen SS crew is also in the pipeline, just got to decide on what theatre to set them as yet.
