Mongo Mel
A Fixture

Well, here's the group picture from this years MFCA show.
I was going to try and get everyone's name to post here but at the last minute I saw a whole herd of pF people walk thru the main entrance and I gave up
What I figured I'd do is post the picture and ask everyone to identify themselves here.
The show was fantastic and I had a great time as usual. It was great getting to meet so many of you folks for the first time as well as saying hi to those I've met at past shows. For those that I didn't get to talk to, there's always next year

So, here's the picture. I'm on the far left in the black shirt and blue jeans.
I'm working on getting the pictures of figures I took posted. When I get them up I'll post a thread with a link to them.
Thanks to you all for coming out for the picture.