403 error.


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I got it, too, back on Thursday or Friday. Didn't have any problems accessing any of the other websites that I routinely visit. Here, some PF pages would load, if I used the browser refresh feature, but then, I'd get the error again, when trying to navigate to another page within the forum. Haven't run into it since then.
I'm getting this pretty regularly and getting pissed off with it :arghh: , I just give up on the site for the time and come back a few days later . Don't post much either , why spend ages downloading stuff only to get it all blocked :arghh::arghh::arghh: . Maybe the new owners want to weed out some of us oldies and make way for new blood . What ever the reason my visits are getting less and less
I sent a message to one of the mods the other day to enquire how I can pay towards the forum.
Not heard anything yet but I think fair as it is a great tool for manufacturers.
That said, these and the spam are getting through and I would hate to think it causes loss of members.
I would pay a bit more to ensure it ceases, maybe there could be a reasonable membership fee for those that advertise, only we pay and new threads in the new releases are restricted to that.
But it would need some serious confidence that we do not lose the facility and that the forum gets a good overhaul
I remember reading that Planetfigure came along at the right place and the right time for a disaffeated bunch of enthusiasts to jump ship, well, I know nothing about the politics that's going on around here....but if anyone is planning to start a figure forum....now is your time!

Personally I'm happy here, but have been getting a bit pissed off with the 'forbidden' message every now and again that I click a link.

Time will tell,

Ho hum,
Clicked on 'What's new' guess what......forbidden!

I'm guessing this site is linked to a not so good website on the same server?

Time will tell.

My view is that it's free so why complain. I am concerned by Gordy's departure and the air of mystery re "the new owners." I think this was a labour of love for Gordy and probably not a money maker. I also sense some drop off in participation with only the usual suspects taking part in many discussions. Again not a healthy sigm. I love this forum and see no real Englidh alternatives out there. My motivation to model is tied to it as I don't have access to decent clubs or shows.....just a very nice small informal group. Hope all is well in the back office.

Certainly no complaining on this front :)
Been a member for years, just hope it doesn't put people off, as said for a manufacturer it really is one of the best means of getting the info out there.
Inspiring also as a modeller and a very helpful community.
Certainly no complaining on this front :)
Been a member for years, just hope it doesn't put people off, as said for a manufacturer it really is one of the best means of getting the info out there.
Inspiring also as a modeller and a very helpful community.

Got to agree totally with all of Gra's comments (y)

At times annoying errors and I lost my access a couple of times but all is well ........ and I really enjoy being part of this online community

Who are the new "owners"? ..come out from the back room and introduce yourselves and put your thoughts to a thread

I have no complaints so far. Good running, no errors.
But I also wanted that the new owners come out of the back room.
Who are you and what is the intention with the forum???

Shame to see you're off Carl. I'm not letting a spotty arsed juvie's weekends entertainment piss me off.
We need to do the only effective action and that's the only thing available to us....a mass PM assault on the only moderators we know...Tommi,Kaz.
Although I don't like publicly posting PM's this is the one I've forwarded to moderator Tommi~

Tommi, I'm sure you haven't noticed, but the natives are restless.
There's been a spell of trolling and spam which has caused some aggravation amongst members.
There's been shit like this before but the feeling this time is much stronger because of the total disinterest by the moderators.
On top of these regular expected spam and trolling offenses most members still feel pissed off because we've never had an explanation of the "disappearance" of Gordy as administrator.
The current administrator seems unknown to all of us and quite aloof which ads to the current ill feeling.....repeated invitations to simply have a chat and let themselves be known to the members have been meet with silence.

Tommi, please as a long time member of this forum can you please let all members know WTF is happening......cheers Mark S.
Well Tommi
I know you are there as you posted a like on a members post.
Come out and speak to us all ,tell us what the F!!k is happening you know we all like you(y)
Has anyone given it a thought that it is all a cunning plan by the new owner to make this a pay for membership forum :confused:
I will probably get sent off for this comment so if I vanish you know what's happened :eek:
I had a couple of days with errors and slow loading but it was right after our big icestorm and my internet supplier had been out for about a week... I figured that was the problem. Haven't had any problems since the new year. Ain't technology grand?

As long as the content (by the members) stays at the high quality that brought me to and kept me on this site... I'll keep coming back. I'd hate to see the painters and modellers on this site bail out because of some random glitches. For what it's worth, I don't give a tinker's damn who owns the site... I do care that quality posts pertaining to our hobby continue to come from passionate figure painters/sculptors.

My 2 cents worth
