WIP 40mm Royal Artillerie, Yorktown 1781


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I've painted the blackened iron pieces using vallejo gun metal grey with a wash of black and silver for the edges.
I dry brushed vallejo.Bronze on the gun and added some vallejo sapia wash on the creaces....
I finished one of the guns today, i must say i am very happy with the result.
Metals and wood ar every hard for me, but i feel like i am getting the hand of it and practice makes for improving techniques.
Trial and error are one of the best teachers.
Next step will be the completion of the artillery crew.
Where have I been, I seem to have missed quite a bit of this some how.
Just caught up and well, love it. The addition of the Artillery emplacement has come on in leaps and bounds, they look great.
Well done Daniel.
I had the Artillery flag in mind , rather than spent money i have used one spare flag from GMB, it is the last flag on the diorama, so i will do the honor to change the white Colonel's flag to the Auxonne Artillery Regimental Flag.
The flag consisted of a white cross like all the french flags, quartered by green and Aurora squares, fleur de lys all over the white field.
I mainly used jo sonja Aurore , and for the green i've use vallejo military green.
The fleyr de Lys was hand painted with dark brown, and i added some gold/brass over it.
Hi Daniel

Wow ..again , the work on tge guns , especially the painting of the wood looks awesome , the crew are also looking great and the work on the flag is just the icing on the cake ..

The whole gun area looks amazing mate great groundwork and all the figures interact and look so good together

Nice one gave yourself a glass of wine
