WIP Critique 54mm General Dorsenne


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A bit more. Thanks for the nice feedback gents.

Zeno - the cords were based Vallejo Game Color leather brown. Then I washed the cords and rackets with diluted Liquitex Sepia ink to bring out the detail. The highlights were picked out in detail with a mix of Golden Raw Sienna and Golden Naples Yellow, then picked out again in pure Naples Yellow. Finally they were washed with heavily diluted Liquitex Gold ink to leave the impression of gold lace.

Coat and sash are just undercoated. I will be staying very dark on the coat.


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Looking awesome Colin.
I think you really hit the dark blue. Too often it's depicted too light... It's damn near black.

As usual the lacework is spot on.

That's still just the undercoat Colin. The challenge will be to shade it without losing the authentic colour. Have to avoid rushing this one as I have an inspiration for a sculpting project I am wanting to move onto.

I am speech less at the amount of detail on this figure.
It looks great, worth of putting this figure in a special place for display.
You have certainly not lost your touch when it comes to 54mm. This is looking stunning. Great job.
Absolutely distinctive style! Love it! (y)
Cant wait to see how your "favorite" part develops - The Groundwork! ;):LOL:
Cheers mate and don't make us wait to long.
Zeno :)
Thanks! As you know Zeno I hate groundwork. I am tempted to sub-contract it out to you as you love doing it and you are a master at it. Now I have to go and see what other 54's I have in the grey army....haven't looked in years :)