Hello Keith!
Thanks, but no, I never use acrylics. The base of the turban was first undercoated in Humbrol and painted with a mixture of W&N Gold and Naples Yellow Dark and highlighted with Cadmium Yellow. This was left to dry for over a week. The Gold oil paint in the mix gives it a slight sparkle and a "tooth" due to the metal pigment particles. Having assured this coat as dry, I painted the stripes in Winsor Blue with a dab of white diluted in white spirit as usual. This dries very fast and after a few days I stippled some highlights where needed. So far there is no bleed through. I always use my oils quite diluted, preferring to shadow and highlight wet on dry, except for a basic indication of volumes. Sorry to sound as if I know what I'm doing, I just dabble microscopic quantities of paint on model soldiers and have a lot of fun doing so!