82nd airborne : new ALPINE 120mm figure


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A Fixture
Oct 12, 2003
Hi all,

It's an honor and a big pleasure that I can present to you a new 120mm figure by Alpine. It's a para from the 82nd airborne division, the All Americans, June 1944. The figure is moulded in the gray resin we have become familiar with for Alpine figures and which shows the detail very good and sharp. As is custom with Alpine figures, there are again two heads with this figure : one bareheaded and the other wearing an helmet with camo and a first aid pack. BUt, as they say, a pictures says more then a thousand words, I'll now let the pictures do the talking.

The figure before priming. No putty has been used when this picture was taken. The head is already primed, which is why it appears lighter.


Detail pictures of the badges. Thanks to the excellent sculpting and moulding this will be a breeze to paint!



And the painting so far. As always all painting is done using acrylics and inks. The head is yet glued to the figure and is only placed on for the pictures.




As alway I welcome all tips, critics and remarks.

Best wishes

Gino not much to complain about here! Looking good so far. This looks like a really nice figure for Alpine. Way to go Teasung! One tiny little thing caught my eye. The butt of the gun looks as if it should be "digging" into the hip/clothing of the trooper a bit more, at least leaning on the top of his belt. The way it is here, it looks as if he is holding it in the air completely and not supporting the weight of the gun on his hip/belt. Small issue on a nice looking piece, and one I'm sure will be a popular figure!

Jay H.
Gino, thanks for posting the in-progress pics. :)

The master was originally sculpted by Jorge Scorciaffico.
I touched up the master here and there to make it
casting-friendly. Also, I scratch-built the M1 Garand and
added the flag and unit patches.

As for the way the gun is resting on the hip, the gun is
actually resting on top of ammo pouches attached to the belt.

This is a great product.
The details are clean.
I think I'm also right in the proportion of a figure.
Very nice.
I'm looking forward to this product's being released.
Very nice work so far!
Looking forward to the rest, and to be able to order the figure.
Another "must-have" from Alpine!
