Review 8th Hussar from MJ Miniatures.


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to all ,

One of the companies that has made such an impact IMO on our figure modelling world is of course :
who together with

have been working together again to release the 2nd in the 1/16th scale busts
The first being reviewed by your scribe here on PF
The 2nd subject in the British Army series depicts a British Hussar
There is no date on the box , my thoughts are that its more Crimean in look but with many Regiments conversion being possible for example the KGL units.
The Regiment was not at Waterloo but a detachment was sent from the Cape of Good Hope to Egypt in 1801 from there serving in India for 22 years , in the Crimea serving at Alma they were involved in the Lt Brigade charge with only 156 returning safely .
One soldier that served in the Crimea and survived was:
Robert Owen Glendwr (Crimean medal pictured ) who was born in 1833 and enlisted into the 8th (The King's Royal Irish) Regiment of (Light) Dragoons (Hussars) in 1851. He embarked for the Crimea in the Horse Transport Ship 'Shooting Star' on 25 April 1854.
Severely wounded during the Charge of the Light Brigade by two sabre cuts to his right arm, he also had two horses shot under him and was briefly taken prisoner before making his escape. He was invalided home on 22 December 1854.
The Regiments nickname being The Crossbelts (it captured the Spanish cavalry’s belts at Almenara in 1710 and from then on the regiment was allowed to wear its sword belt over its right shoulder, not round the waist as was usual for dragoon regiments)
As usual books are many with of course there Regimental Museum being a wealth of interest .
Continued in next post:
Onwards and upwards,

Details are as follows:

Title: British Army 8th Kings Royal Irish Hussars

Reference: MJ16-002

Scale: 1/16th

Material: Resin

Number of parts: 2

Sculptor: Dae - Hyeong Kim

Box Art: Man-Jin Kim

As with the previous release we see the model being sent in a nice and strong cardboard box with the colour picture of the piece ..nice start as a reference.
MJ Hussar 0000.jpg
On opening the box we find 2 parts in a sealed bag wrapped again in bubble wrap , all was safe and sound in this amount of protection.
MJ Hussar 000.jpg
The parts consist of the head and the torso , there is no separate base as one is nicely sculpted as part of the torso.
MJ Hussar 001.jpg

Just the 3 "P's" ...Prep (consisting of sanding the base underside and fit the head to the torso ....that's it) then Prime and Paint.

Beginning with the Torso as I said the base is sculpted within the style of the bust , very nicely done , easy to pin to the display base of your choice .

Working up we have a small amount of the barrel sash , well worked , looking up we are then wowed by the details on the lacework , both on the dolman and the pelisse , all lines are very well done with the casting not loosing any details whatsover , the ends show very tidy work on the loops , these are all hanging very naturally .

The fur effect on the pelisse edge is well shown , sitting well on the shoulder, the pelisse is held in position by cords which run across his chest , this shown some nice olives where it loops round .

The seams of the clothing are well done , showing the skill of both sculptor and caster.

Around his neck we have the headwear cords again nice work on the 2 olives sitting well on the chest, under which we have the pelisse cords.

Across his chest we have several belts showing good undercuts and detail on the buckle , one being the pouch belt the smaller 2 running opposite being the haversack and the other the water bottle ( these are not on the bust ).
at the neck we have the collar , this has trefoils on the leading edge , both are in keeping with the lacwork on the chest area.
MJ Hussar 002.jpg

MJ Hussar 009.jpg
MJ Hussar 007.jpg
MJ Hussar 008.jpg
MJ Hussar 005.jpg
MJ Hussar 006.jpg
MJ Hussar 003.jpg
On now to the Head , the facial features are packed full of character , from the nicely done eyes and nasal area to a rather dashing moustache, he has sideboards with hair peeking out from under the headwear , this is a great rendition of the fur effect with the cords running round the centre leading to the olive on the neck area on the torso ....all fitting well and cleanly . Sitting on top and hanging down the side is the bag agaian well shown with natural folds and position.
Our trooper looks slightly to the left , perhaps he has seen the Russian guns in the valley they are in.

Final thoughts

Another nice addition from a great team of MJ and DH , service is as always top notch as is the quality in presentation and casting ...alongside the 91st release another nice display piece.

Recommended to all

For more details on this and all the other great releases in all scales why not visit the website at:

e mail: [email protected]

Thanks to MJ for the Review piece and all of you for looking in

Before I close lets enjoy the boxart in its full glory
Happy painting

Mike, 1/16 seems to be "the new 1/10" in the world of busts. That's at least 3 manufacturers that I know of who've put this scale out in the past few months. I was a bit sceptical myself at first but they're great for a quick paint-up.

Great review Kev. As thorough as ever.

- Steve

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