A dog and his man


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Thanks :)
To paint the dog I use Charred Brown (Citadel Colours), Graveyeard Earth for drybrushing, Chaos Black for stripes and, finally, Vallejo Hume Smoke for washing all. And, of course, light grey and white for muzzle :)
I really like to paint animals. I like animals, of course.
Very nicely done. Though the Boxer looks more like a modern Boxer than what they looked like in the early 1800's. Back then they were mostly white and were much heavier since they were bred from Brabants. Artisticly though, I think this one looks much better with the figure than if you had done it differently. The Brindling is a very nice touch. (Sorry, only a dog person would nit pick this)
Thanks :)
To paint the boxer I "use" a dog living in my settlement, which I see if I'm walking with my dogs. I remembered his appearance and try to repeat it. Yes, it is modern boxer, not "napoleonic" :)
Besides, my idea was to paint the dog and the man maximally similar. Then I paint tiger stripes on hussar's fur skin instead of spots and brindling on dog. Then I paint old man and old grey-hair dog, too.