A Furore Normannorum Libera Nos, Domine


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looking good Steve, like a lot the mouth and the teeth , good luck with the polar bear fur , it isn't easy to paint , the polar fur has also silver flash when hitted by the light..i can tell you because i have some polar bear fur i use usually to tie salmon flies..;)
Cheers Stefano that's news to me about the silver not too many polar bears here :LOL: not sure how to depict that the odd bit of grey possibly ?

Ok tried something here and not sure if it's come off or not I appreciate the pic is my usual crap standard but tried to emulate the foaming at the mouth so often spoken of regarding the Norse frenzy we call going berserk, I am not sure it translates well into paint though, also decided on a beard/hair colour and done some shading on the face as well long way to go yet though


Cheers Stefano that's news to me about the silver not too many polar bears here :LOL: not sure how to depict that the odd bit of grey possibly ?

..I would try a little mixture of white oil with Model Master silver chrome enamel...only a little bit where the light hits the fur of course.. hope this helps..
Thanks Stefano I'll experiment a little with that when the oil dries on the fur base,much appreciated (y)

Bit more done on him,the face and hair are starting to take shape and look something like now ( I think :cautious: ) Another layer on the fur I'm using Ron's excellent SBS http://www.planetfigure.com/threads/my-way-with-oils.52194/ for the fur and indeed using the concept of "glazes" for the face and beard to a degree as well. With another hind sight I might have shaved his nose a little looking at the side view, but still I've seen bigger hooters in RL :sneaky: I also got rid of the foam around the mouth I tried, it just looked like paint splashed on it. Not sure if the bloody lip works either, but they were renowned for chewing shields and if ever a man chewed a shield rim this one did :LOL:


Cheers Carl I wanted it to look fresh so used a glossier red than I would normally might run a grey wash over it see if that looks better

Cheers Joel fresh blood seems to be a lot trickier than old to pull off though colour wise

Little more detail work on the face and hair and a very light cream wash applied to the fur as Steve pointed out Polar Bears aren't that white, still experimenting with a white/silver effect as mentioned by Stefano (it's bloody hard work this bust business isn't it ? :eek: ) Oh yes and toned down the bloody lip a bit

Cheers Carl, I probably will use a darker wash the second white got in a bit deeper than I wanted although it's not quite as bad as the photo looks (y)

I think I've done all I can with the face, however I'm sure some you can suggest further tweaks that will improve it. Helmet just placed on for effectSAM_0635.JPGSAM_0636.JPG
After some great help from both Ron and Carl more work on the face shadowing and beard, beard still needs final highlighting work

