A Long Forgotten Item From the GA Box


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A Fixture
Oct 2, 2014
I was rummaging around in the deep depths of my grey army box and found this 54mm item at the very bottom.

I can’t remember when I bought this figure, but it was probably at a Club Bring and Buy, and well over 30 years ago.

Why I bought it also eludes me, although it could have been the stance, and had a bit of an appearance of Napoleon from the Italian campaign (that idea has long since been discarded). Anyway, it cost me £1.50, as can be seen on the plastic sleeve it came in, together with the manufacture’s name of Dorset (Metal Model) Soldiers Ltd.

Dorset are still in existence under Imperial Miniatures, but I’ve not been able to locate this figure and check what it’s supposed to represent. It’s probably long OOP.

After a bit of a clean-up, I decided to give it a go under the paint brush.

I searched high and low for something that might look a bit like him, but failed totally.

In the end I decided that given his appearance looked closest to the Italian campaign of 1796, he was probably wearing a concoction of clothing of his own acquisition (thievery not excluded). The full epaulettes also indicate a higher rank.

He’s therefore painted as a mixture of various uniforms that I came across, and probably represents someone in an artillery or grenadier unit. Your guess is as good as mine.

IMG_4539r.jpg IMG_4540r.jpg IMG_4541r.jpg IMG_4542r.jpg IMG_4543r.jpg Dorset.jpg

It was fun just letting my imagination run riot, although the finished article doesn’t look that great.

Paints are straight enamels, oils over enamel with some printers inks thrown in. The braiding and epaulettes had Humbrol matt varnish added to tone down the shine, and then touched with a dry brush of pure printers ink for a little sparkle.

Hope you like my bit of messing about, but I’ve got a thick skin if you don’t.

Hmm, deffo a French general from the revolutionary or consulate periods. I wonder if it's meant to be Desaix?

My thoughts were that the coat was not ornate enough to portray a very senior officer. But that's just my guess.
As I indicated above Richard; your thought is just as good as any other.

Hi Andrew

Good to see you digging into the GA , always good to see pieces from companies no longer around

Nice painting as well

Thanks for sharing

Just adding my two penn'orth.....I think it 's supposed to be a French Revolutionary" Representative of the People ". Looks a bit like some illustrations I've seen......not sure with the epaulettes, though......

Well done, Andrew! I paint classic figures, too, and you're a man after my own heart!
I like Alan's idea, too, that he's a civilian official of some kind. Whatever he depicts, that's a nice finish!

Hi Andrew

Good to see you digging into the GA , always good to see pieces from companies no longer around

Nice painting as well

Thanks for sharing


Hi Kevin,

Thanks for looking and taking the time to comment.

Just adding my two penn'orth.....I think it 's supposed to be a French Revolutionary" Representative of the People ". Looks a bit like some illustrations I've seen......not sure with the epaulettes, though......


Hi Alan,

I presume that I was thinking much the same way as you regarding illustrations I'd seen when I made to purchase in the first place; and never considered that I'd have such a problem later.
Perhaps the original sculptor had a rue smile and thought "I'll make someone scratch their heads over this one".
If that was the case, the success was 100%.

Well done, Andrew! I paint classic figures, too, and you're a man after my own heart!
I like Alan's idea, too, that he's a civilian official of some kind. Whatever he depicts, that's a nice finish!


Thanks for looking and for your kind comment Brad.

General Lazare Hoche, perhaps?

Sorry, having trouble uploading a pic, but search Wikipedia for one.

Hi Richard,

Good suggestion with Hoche. Unfortunately, while all of the pictures on Google show him with a fairly simple coat, none show any epaulettes. Also, my figure has turnbacks at the back. The mystery continues …

Speaking of Lazare Hoche, Mokarex produced a figure of him. I have that figure, together with Carnot and a Sans Culotte.

IMG_4544r.jpg Click on image for a larger view.

Apologies for the unfinished terrible painting. It was done many, many years ago, and all got put away and forgotten (until now). Maybe I'll have another go ...

This site has pictures of quite a few of the Mokarex ranges. Just keep scrolling until you come across them. Alternatively, do a “Find on this page” and type Mokarex. That’ll speed things up.
I’ve saved some of the pictures that contain my figures:-


I'm pleased to see that my figure of Hoche still has an intact sword.


