A stunningly painted figure


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Hi Guys ,

Come on there are a lot of ex soldiers here , some (me including) having seen some nasty stuff during the "troubles" .....so by all means Faust do a flat of Bobby Sands ..for your modelling enjoyment only ..................as you might guess there is no way I would do anything IRA ish.

As regards a painted model Ralph ....I would only comment on the painting but would not really want to see this on PF no matter how historically correct ......

I have a large scale head of Hitler (bought to try techniques on) ...but its still in the GA !!

Figure painting is a very personal choice we are in it to enjoy it but I do feel some area's are a little too sensitive.


PS : This area is something the Mods should keep an eye on IMO
I could be wrong but if memory serves somewhere on here there is an East European/Russian who has painted WW1 and 2 Germans, ? If anyone I would expect them to be anti that part of history but the ART of figure paint should know no barriers or subject.

My elder sister was on her way with friends to the Mulberry Bush in Brum when the bomb went off, (My younger brother spent 5yrs in Northern Ireland)

I may not have put this to well but I mean no offence to anyone, I would do an IRA figure.

As I wrote above FIGURE PAINTING is ART and art should know no barriers.
Hi Guys ,

Malc has raised a good point and I respect his comments :

"FIGURE PAINTING is ART and art should know no barriers"

A personal choice for me

Yes people can admire a "A stunningly painted figure" but opinions are like assholes everybody has one. Therein lies the problem truth.
Hi Guys ,

Come on there are a lot of ex soldiers here , some (me including) having seen some nasty stuff during the "troubles" .....so by all means Faust do a flat of Bobby Sands ..for your modelling enjoyment only ..................as you might guess there is no way I would do anything IRA ish.

As regards a painted model Ralph ....I would only comment on the painting but would not really want to see this on PF no matter how historically correct ......

I have a large scale head of Hitler (bought to try techniques on) ...but its still in the GA !!

Figure painting is a very personal choice we are in it to enjoy it but I do feel some area's are a little too sensitive.


PS : This area is something the Mods should keep an eye on IMO
This thread was never my intention to be political.It was about whether people can see the art/painting on a figure and appreciate the skills and work that had gone into said model.I don't believe I was wrong to start this thread but I am sorry for any emotions/feelings that I have brought out in people.If people make political statements in this thread then I believe they have not grasped the context of what I meant.
I agree with Nap that this should be watched carefully by the Mods
I could be wrong but if memory serves somewhere on here there is an East European/Russian who has painted WW1 and 2 Germans, ? If anyone I would expect them to be anti that part of history but the ART of figure paint should know no barriers or subject.

My elder sister was on her way with friends to the Mulberry Bush in Brum when the bomb went off, (My younger brother spent 5yrs in Northern Ireland)

I may not have put this to well but I mean no offence to anyone, I would do an IRA figure.

As I wrote above FIGURE PAINTING is ART and art should know no barriers.

Maybe it is not just about art but a way to see the world.
As a German I own and build Russian and Allied subjects of WW 2 although my family suffered / lost their home and property in WW 2. Beside other things Aunt was raped by Russian soldiers - quite a common fate for women in the East at that time - and Uncle as a 17 year old concript nearly starved to death 1945 inside one of the Allied "Rheinwiesenlager"-POW-Camps (many of his comrades weren´t that lucky to get out alive).

For me the human value of an individual does not depend on the uniform he/she wears - a lesson you can learn easily by painting small soldiers: An expressive well-sculpted and painted face can be "married" to any uniformed body in the cabinet and will always end up in a nice figure.

And while everybody has his personal views and experiences about the historical background and the context to display a model - I don`t see a reason to oppose any release of a figure just because of the nationality/unit displayed. If I don´t like it because of my political / personal views - somebody else surely does.

So I agree to your conclusion - "no barriers" - absolutely!
Cheers, Martin
I would agree with that but how that opinion is expressed is usually the problem.


Agreed. Think a bit of common sense is required when the opinion is expressed. We are adults here if you don't like it just not get involved. Turn the channel.

Unfortunately I see the OP posted a bit of leading question with a misleading topic header so it not surprised its gone off on a tangent.
Agreed. Think a bit of common sense is required when the opinion is expressed. We are adults here if you don't like it just not get involved. Turn the channel.

Unfortunately I see the OP posted a bit of leading question with a misleading topic header so it not surprised its gone off on a tangent.
Of course it was a leading question,because I wanted to know what people think.
As for a misleading topic header,I think the topic header was quite appropriate and not misleading in any way whatsoever.
The only way it could be misleading is if people misread the text
As has been said... It's all very personal.

I wouldn't be interested in an IRA figure, for obvious reasons... But then I don't much care for the obsession with WWII German SS figures/model kits either. Mostly because I come from Jewish stock on my mothers side of the family, I suppose.

I shouldn't imagine there would be too many British takers for an IRA figure, but you might find some among our Irish cousins.

I just use the freedom we have, to NOT model, paint, view or comment on such.

Just my 2p's worth... Others opinions will differ, of course.

Mark... (Who's mothers side of the family were "historically" Jewish, and who's fathers side of the family were "historically" Irish).
There are many subjects and personalities I would not consider painting for my own collection. Sometimes because I have personal contempt for the organization or individual portrayed and sometimes due to lack if interest. For personalities, I usually try to model someone I admire and who I find honourable in some way.

I think the question at hand is could I do or admire a figure of a member of a unit or an individual that I find personally repugnant - perhaps as a commission? I think the answer is yes although motivation to drive to completion might be a problem.

I hope and think I am mature enough to separate the art from the subject and not to judge the intent and views of the artist unless he or she is blatantly stating a political position. That's when we mods have to look more carefully.

Thinking on this one of the first models that struck me as a child and got me interested was a picture from a military modelling book from the library and that was a riot scene with shields and baton rounds with the boggys throwing stones,i can remember bieng amazed at a coke can in minature .it was as relevant then as syria is now and folk model that, theres always got to be bad guys for the good guys to 'get' , but busts of top ten bombers to glorify them would make my teeth float.Irish Republican Army, thats where the problem lies if they were an army why did they. not wear a definable uniform or engage in any battles, thats not soldiering its terrorism.Art is sometimes evocative on purpose also edgy to provoke a reaction or sentiment, nothing would cheer me up more than a dio of our lads giving it to the provos.Its a personal thing and figure companys want to sell figurei could see room for a figure being nicked or searched to go along with a fair few Nortern Ireland figs, but as a stand alone, not a hope, a bust would be easy unless you have trouble painting eyes or balaclavas
Let's try to stay off the specifics of individual groups and whether or not they are/were terrorist as we all know that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. As we have members from all over the world, I would not like to see this moving into labelling groups one or the other given we all have very firmly entrenched and emotional views. I know I do. I think the topic can be explored with the IRA as an example of a controversial topic without getting too partisan.

Ralph. - I assume that was your intent for the string given you pointed to both the SS and IRA?

Let's try to stay off the specifics of individual groups and whether or not they are/were terrorist as we all know that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. As we have members from all over the world, I would not like to see this moving into labelling groups one or the other given we all have very firmly entrenched and emotional views. I know I do. I think the topic can be explored with the IRA as an example of a controversial topic without getting too partisan.

Ralph. - I assume that was your intent for the string given you pointed to both the SS and IRA?

Quite right Colin.
the whole thread was to be about could you appreciate a figure that is stunningly painted even if you do not like the subject.
It was not meant to be about politics but art.as another example.Could you as a Liverpool supporter give constructive comments about a well sculpted painted figure of a Man United player and vice/versa?
Colin, Im pretty sure the IRA are terrorists as were the UDR/A defintion of terrorism. The UNLAWFUL use or threatend use of force or violence by a person or organised group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies for political reasons, I not offended by most things , I can either look or ignore, the resin men wont 'get' me so I can feel safe in my bed , theyve got to get past bobba fett and my eagle eyes gripping hands action man who patrol my perimater at night a fair match , no one messes with the Fett man =) thats my last on this one honest, Cheers Mick