OK, look....there are these people, see, who buy these toy horses, see, strip them down, repaint them, buy and make all this elaborate miniature tack, and show these tweaked- up Breyer-on-steroid mothers.........but no-- it's too horrible to think about for long! But believe me, breathern, it's true. And there are a lot of these people, breathern, rodeoing their little plastic pony's ***** off.... and a high level of skill, craftsmanship, andyes breathern, ART, all swirling around in a world ye know not of, and would not want to know of, except that it has produced a book, well known to jaded old figheads, which is arguably one of a tiny handful of indispensible reference volumes in our field of endeavor, and an absolute neccessity for anyone who ever thought of painting a horse. This magical work is none other than the ineffable "ColorFormulas & Techniques For The Model Horse Artist" by Carol Williams. I dusted off my copy yesterday and was yet again amazed by the fiendish level of knowledge and skill contained in this looseleaf- formatted, 28 chapter tome, accompanied by a fat stack of "formula cards" with paint mixes for a myriad of horse colors.If you have ever grappled with Paint Horse colors and patterns, the shapes and color of equine eyes, hooves, manes, tails or ANYTHING related to the color of horses, you will want this book. If you have enough emotional security, check out Carol's website at www.riorondo.com. She even has a section devoted to figure modelers who know a heavy hitter when we see one.I had a flash of paranoia about the availability of the book, but if you type the above title into google, you'll get the info. $42 USA, into the $50's overseas, and you can't live without it. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.....