ACW or Napoleonic figures


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You are wasting your time this will never come to anything he do,s this all the time on numerous forms but nothing ever happens
the person who answered should see a therapist because he needs one and reason I ask this question I would like know to have a second option thank you for all-most all the answers.
Your questions are never about second opinions but about a twentieth or thirtieth opinion because you always ask the same questions on different forums. You don`t post to learn anything but to get attention and replies. Stop posting - take your own advice and see a doctor!
Getting back to the original question, while there's no right or wrong choice I'd go with a Napoleonic figure. In general I think their uniforms are much more colorful and detailed. In a show setting I feel like they would stand out better than an ACW figure and give you a better chance to show off for the judges.

Of course you can find ACW counterexamples, but at least in my opinion there are many more options with the Napoleonic ones.
With 35 years of modelling under your belt you should have no problem tackling the complex and colourful uniforms of the Napoleonic period. Also with your friend's articles, you'll really have a leg up on the research.
You'll find as well, you'll have a much easier time of it when you get your table, chair and worklight... must have been hard this last 35 years sitting crosslegged on the floor, painting by candlelight.

I truely look forward to seeing what you come up with. You better get at it though... MFCA is a mere 8 months away. Not alot of time to paint that one figure.

Good luck
