I would like to say a big thank you to all my fellow modelers for all their kind coments,the figure was a great pleasure to paint and i'm glad you all liked it and found it an interesting topic to talk about.
I take on board all the points you have made about the stalheim and the picklehaube but i think i'm going to leave it as it is,this was a point i completly overlooked when asembling the scene and i'm very grateful for all your historic knowledge in correcting me on this point.
Just to add to those of you who asked about the posters and signs,these are all from the verlinden range,although these are specificaly designed for 1/35th scale dioramas i feel some of the signs could be used for any scale from 1/35th up,there are produced on pieces of card and cut out as required,i used PVA glue to attach them to the scene,the wooden crates are also from the verlinden range again 1/35th but they could apply to any scale,the verlinden range are available from Historex Agents in the United Kingdom and are very reasonably priced.
Once again a very big thank you,i'm quite bowled over by the amount of replies i've recieved,i'm just about to start my next piece which will be a bust of William Wallace based on the Mel Gibson Character from Braveheart produced by Nocturna Models,i hope i can do him justice as well as i did the prussian infantryman.
Happy Modeling,Brian