Ambiorix 75mm WIP


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And the photos


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Love the reds, and dare I say it chest hair. But would have to agree with David on the highlights on the musculature.
Great job though Dimitrios,
Wow, the red pants are so very nice as is the leather strapping going up the legs. That is one bad cat I wouldn't want to mess with.
Y'know, if that 6 pack (or is it an 8 pack?) musculature is there , it must be painted. I suppose it could be toned down some, but I just don't think you can get a body quite that deeply cut from running around Europe half naked. Not without some serious focused workouts at the local gym. I very well could be wrong.
Otherwise, I love the figure and the face is just superb and full of character.
Wonderfully painted so far all the way...
Thank you all for commenting. David and Carl you are absolutely right as well as Phil is. The six pack on this one is very well defined so is kind of difficult if not impossible to eliminate it. It makes shadows on its own. I ll try to use first highlights as shadows and see what comes out.
Having seen this live i can assure you that the reds are magnificengt and that a splendid work has been done on the flesh parts with many effects. I wish this willl be finished soon my friend , as i liked it a lot !!
