American Revolution Possible Vignette


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A Fixture
Jan 13, 2012
Luso, Aveiro, Portugal

I just bought this figure:

And I think that would be nice to do something different from my usual "alone figure"... so I'm looking for a nice companion candidate for this guy. And there is this one:


They make a nice couple don't you think?? I do!

Well, I think they are of the same time period and despite the fact that one has some indian features I don't think that would make any harm to the historical accuracy of the vignete, that would be set in the american revolution, and this would be Militia, Minuteman...
I would like to hear your opinion about this. I can't find another companion (unfortunatly) but if someone knows another figure that could be used I would love to hear that ;) BTW they are both 75mm.
So opinions ;)

Hello Pedro, Did you see these? These are from the Michael Robert's line of 75mm Revolutionary War figures. They may give you a few more options. Regards, SG75006_painted.jpgMR75003.jpg75014.jpg
ARW R for Revolution ( lot of civilian goes to war wearing anything thay see fit) so no arguing possible .
That's what I thought!! I'm gonna see "The Patriot" to inspire...
It's just me that thinks that should be more figures of this war?? Not only american, but also english. They had beautifull uniforms in this period...

Hello Pedro, I also would like to see more American Revolution War figures, from both sides of the conflict. I see that you like to work in 75mm, I like to work in 1/16th scale. I also agree with you about the uniforms of the period, there were some great looking ones, mostly on the British side, but the Continental Army had a few. Here is a photo of a figure that I hope I can find. It's another Michael Robert's figure in 75mm, Private 42nd Foot 1780 sculpted by Maurice Corry, and a photo of a rather unique looking uniform also around 1780. Good luck with your vignette Pedro, I hope it goes well for you. Regards, SG:)
My only input on it (not wanting to get into the whole "anything is possible" discussion) is that the second guy appears to be dressed far more warmly than the first and strikes me as a bit more back woodsy (the leggings to protect from brambles, thorns, etc..., the "scalping knife" around the neck and what may be moccasins) than the first guy. If they were side by side I would think one is a member of the militia from town in warmer weather and one is a backwoods hunter in winter.
I would love to see more ARW figures, especially if they were in 120mm or 1/16th scale.
Thank You for your input on this discussion. Glad you stopped by and leave your opinion.

Yes, I may admit that the second figure is a little clothed for autumn/winter.
But I also thought about other thing: the second looks older than the first, which made me think that he could have fought in the Seven Years War, and now make part of the militia, along side a younger man. Since he fought that war he had some gear of the indians, which he now uses. The dressing is a little more warm, but some people are more cold then others...
Kidding aside I think that the painting of the 2nd figure and the groundwork may contribute to that feeling. Maybe if he was painted with other colours than that cold white and blue he would look better alongside the other one.
Looks at this paint job on the same figure with the Indian Head:
Would you say that he is more dressed for winter than the the 1st?

Say what goes on your mind ;)
Yes, I think he does look more warmly dressed. But I also think that the bigger difference is the style of clothing, the top figure being dressed in what was the day to day dress of a common American colonist in a town or city, just carrying a firearm and sword probably as part of his militia duties. The other guy is dressed as an American frontiersman, with some Indian style clothing and items mixed in with his own. One thing to remember is that during the ARW, militias were drawn up from people of the same towns and areas of the colony. So there would be some common look to the people in the same group of militia, with those from different towns or colonies (depending on how far away they were) possibly looking (and behaving!) distinctly different from those of other colonies. Its not that these guys couldn't necessarily be seen together, but to me, it looks a little unusual. I think of the first guy as someone from Boston, New York, Philadelphia or the surrounding towns and villages. The second guy first struck me as a French and Indian War guy, but also someone from the more wilderness/frontier areas of the colonies, such as the rural areas of Maryland, Vermont, New Hampshire or the frontier areas of Pennsylvania. But in the end, its all comes down to what you are happy with.
Hey mates,

Just remembered that Romeo Models has a nice figure in 75mm that could look good together with the 2 that I showed:

It is from 1757, but maybe doesn't fit bad at all with those 2... what say you??
Maybe if the hat was changed looked better...

Hi, I've been researching and it's possible I found another figure that may be compatible with my minuteman. It's an Elite figure, representing a soldier of the 1st New York Regt. I've been researching and I think they may be together. Nathaniel Green had militia in his army, and this continental army regiment fought with him in the battle of Monmouth. So it's likely they could be together.

If this one would fit I would exclude the bestsoldiers one, since he is more cold dressed and may be better fitted in the French and Indian war.


I would like to know your opinion.
