WIP Critique An Oldie But a Goodie


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Regarding the mounted Taisho. Saw these some years ago on ebay. Figure c0mes in a black box and a plain white cardboard box. I think they are all pirated/recast. Also if the Taisho comes in a plain white box without the round metal base and photo copy of the instruction sheet. It is a recast. So beware.

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Mine was in the original Hinchcliffe black box with white foam inserts, but had a xeroxed instruction sheet.
Mine was in the original Hinchcliffe black box with white foam inserts, but had a xeroxed instruction sheet.

Does your's come with a round metal base? Here is a picture of a recast that I found. No round metal base instead it comes with a press wood base, photo copies of the instructions and plain box with a copy of the original box art.

It is possible that those examples in non standard boxes were manufactured by Skytrex who took over the Hinchliffe Models range back in 1984. The absence of a cast metal round base might suggest that the moulds were beginning to wear out.

It is possible that those examples in non standard boxes were manufactured by Skytrex who took over the Hinchliffe Models range back in 1984. The absence of a cast metal round base might suggest that the moulds were beginning to wear out.


A big no! Skytex did not produce the figure. It is cheaper for the recaster to supply the figure with a press wood base instead of a big piece of white metal base. These recast figures were on ebay some eight or ten years ago from a well known recaster.
Mine does have the metal base... though I wonder what to do with it since I made my own.
I would be happy to part with my mounted Taisho as I am unlikely to get round to painting it- It is in the original Box as shown on the early posts with the parts attached to Hinchcliffe cardboard.

It would have to be a UK only sale as the kit weighs a ton.

Lovely painting - it's always nice seeing new life being breathed into an old figure (y)
A very long time ago I done on of these for a local model shop, the guy who worked in the shop took it home and gave it to his Mum so it didn't even get displayed in the shop, on my part it was the stupidest thing I ever done, I remember the pain of the challenge, wish I still had it, some of you guys are crazy having painted several of them lol.
Yes, I'm very late in adding here, but I thought some may be interested. I bought my new Taisho RLO/1 from Skytrex as a mail order and I was just reading today the original cc receipt, dated 07/11/91. For those who care, there is no picture on the plain black box but has a small RLO/1 label at one corner. Inside all of the castings were wrapped individually in white tissue although this one plastic bag which kept the small castings, including the separate helmet, but the legs are complete as one, and there is a round base included. The base was distorted a bit but the code number and the Hinchliffe copyright marking was visible. When the kit arrived I checked it against the instructions, which seems to be the originals marked with 27 items, I found that one item was miscast (#4 - the helmet armour) and asked for a replacement. Skytrex agreed and the spare arrived quickly, quite good service which I hoped for because the kit was expensive, as was the shipping. When I was a teenager I used to buy the Military Modelling magazine and I still have the issue when the Taisho figurine was featured on the cover. In fact, I had still have Edition #1 and all editions for a few years, along with many early Airfix and some very early Australian magazines. Lastly, no I haven't painted the Taisho, but we have two sons who have far better painting talents and skills than me.

Any of us who succumbed to this one changed as a painter. Personally, the thing
made all my previous pieces look liked they'd been painted by someone wearing
boxing gloves, which caused caused me much anguish at the time...but in the long
term made me a more confident and better painter. I was given the piece as a present
for Christmas back in 1973, and finished it around the following Easter. As Ron says
the quality of the castings and the fit of the pieces were rather 'iffy' - but it was almost
have a century ago now, and we had lower expectations then...we had to wait a couple
of years for Ray Lamb's Poste Militaire before all that changed.


I’m really enjoying this thread. Loved all the various versions of this kit. All wonderfully executed.

Young Un.