Hi Ralph,
Thank you mate, he's a fun piece to work on.
Hi Rich,
Thank you mate, I will have a look at a few ideas after I finish painting him.
Hi Bob,
Hi Kevin,
Thank mate, glad you like him
Hi Ron,
Thank you mate, I'll take not bad
. Now, you are I both know you have not been made redundant. I think I'm going to send you my signature piece!
Hi D,
I will have a look a the mealie bag/barricade idea, but I will need to be careful otherwise it will topple over. Great sculpt by the way the frown lines on the dogs head the expression, the pose is just brilliant mate, it's all brilliant and what a fun piece.
Hi Rob,
Thank you mate, glad you like him
Hi Colin,
Thank you mate, how's my Canadian bro doing
, could do a Canadian beaver, but beaver might have a different connotation over here
Hi Brian,
Thanks you mate, I'm sure you could make a unique bustorama out of this.
Might not get any painting in today due to the rugby. But I'm going to get my Terrier to worry that ANZAC Roo before tonight's clash