Andrea 90mm Prussian WWI infantryman


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Dan Morton

A Fixture
Jul 3, 2004
Great Plains of the Midwest, Omaha, Nebraska, USA,
Why do we need yet another 1916 Prussian infantryman WWI figure in a simple standing pose? Yes the new 90mm Andrea figure looks like it is very nicely sculpted. The head and field equipment look particularly well done. The box art was wonderfully painted! And the kit includes both a pickelhaube and a stahlhelm - that's neat. ;)

This is absolutely not a complaint rant that the quality of the piece was in any way less than any other Andrea figure.

But, guys, there were other German states in the war! Hesse, Bavaria, Wurtemburg, etc. Why another Prussian?

There were Landwehr, Landsturm, Jagers, Mountain troops, Signal troops, Cavalry, Pioneers, etc. Why another infantryman?

And how about a scene, how about an interesting pose, how about something unusual?

Yes, I think I already know the answer. You don't think that would sell as well as a 1916 Prussian infantryman. Sigh.... :(

All the best,
Money has nothing to do with it, Dan. The bottom line is the plethora of contemporary sculptors just can't sculpt the more complex pickelhaubes of the other German states!
They're just too difficult. Same reason there are more Teutonic Knight minis than there were actual Teutonic Knights! Sculpting a 90mm Lithuanian knight is too much of a challenge. I heard whoever sculpted the 54mm Polish knight a few years back nearly had a nervous breakdown...
Giving this a bit more thought it might also be the Prussian Union! Yeah! That's the ticket! The Prussian Union may be putting pressure on the industry. If this is the case and there are actually talented hands among the sculptors, then those hands are tied, handcuffed and epoxyed together when it comes to creating non-sanctioned work.
But MONEY has nothing to do with it.
The Prussian Conspiracy seems to work. They convinced the manfacturers that all miniature painters have a retention span of 24 hours and even tho' they just finished their 4th Prussian they have no recollection, and are amazed at the new one and MUST have it ( since they have no others )....
Hmmmm....what was I writing about?
Hhhhmmm, it must be one of those .....CONSPIRACIES!

Contrary to belief, model producers do not collude to create specific models. They just go ahead and make models of what they think will sell or whatever subject takes their fancy for more personal reasons. If some producers happen to make a model of the same subject, it is generally more coincedental than deliberate. No manufacturere would deliberately compromise the sales potential of a model by "copying" the subject choices of another. That is just bad business.

If the manufacturers are not producing the slight variations that you desire, then it is up to you to make the small changes needed to create the variants you wish. Changing badges and such fall into the category of minor conversions. Very minor, really. Go ahead and take a chance at converting the model to the variant you want. Then you can have the added benefit of being the "only kid in town" who has that special variant! How cool is that?

Meanwhile, I will go forward with my nefarious plot to upset you guys with my subject choices!

Mike, Evil figure sculptor guy
I think the figure could have had a more dramatic pose, although a guy just standing there takes away the need for all kinds of engineering. A decent pose for a single figure is not easy to come up with if you want to go beyond the normal hand on hip type pose. I think a 2-3 figure scene gets the creative juices flowing where poses are concerned, though I do not think they sell as well as single figures.~Gary
John - Thanks for agreeing with me...uh...I think? :eek: ?? And I think sculptors are perfectly capable of sculpting a pickelhaube, tschapka, kepi, feldmutze, stahlhelm or any other kind of figure headgear. Prussian conspiracy?, just mercantilism with all its good and bad points.

Mike - if that Prussian is yours, I SERIOUSLY didn't mean to pick on you! I've been in awe of your sculpting skill since I started reading this forum. The Prussian really is beautiful [whoever sculpted it]. And I'm not much interested in putting Hessian badges or whatever or even doing figure conversions much. Actually I'm trying to be some kind of a sculptor. But why not a Landsturm or a Jager or a mountain trooper?

Matt - I went back and compared and they are similar, but...I think it's just because they are both taking the same subject, etc. Similar equipment and weapons, etc.

I wonder if all of you missed my point. Here it is - "Why can't the consumer be provided more variety and originality in the figures produced by manufacturers?"

For examples of firms that do just that with consistency, I would point out Michael Roberts and Jon Smith. So - it CAN be done. All of this is my opinion, but, hey, this is a forum, right?

All the best,
Gary - But a distinctive pose would draw attention to the figure, make it stand out from others and, I assume, therefore make customers want to buy it. It's a very good figure as it is, but it could have been better with a more interesting pose. Just as it could have been better if it was a Hessian Landwehr, Wurtemberger Jager, etc. The price for this figure is round about $100.00 I ain't parting with that kinda cash for same-o, same-o.

Matt - I hate to say it but I agree.

All the best,
Like anyone else, the manufacturers are going to go with what they know works. Whether it be German, or Roman, or Kraplakistani, or whatever, the mans. have an obligation to earn a living, just like the rest of us. A rare subject every once in a while may be warranted, but, too many can impact the bottom line.

Mike- we need more figs of "The King" ! :eek:
Charles - Yes, but are they so darn sure they KNOW what works? Why must they consistently aspire to making hamburger and not filet mignon? [Please - I don't want to insult ANYBODY here - so bear with the metaphor. It is only being used to make a point. It is not intended to slight or insult anybody. Hey, I like both hamburger and filet mignon! :)]

This is also not a complaint against Andrea particularly - lots of figure makers have done the same thing. And, in my opinion, they are making a mistake.

This particular figure is definitely filet mignon prices, but, as I've said, is the same-o, same-o. Why pay that kind of price for the same typical figure!??? It is really a nice figure, but it is nearly the same thing as 4 or 5 others in all four of the common scales.

Is it possible to challenge the current generic figure market assumptions? Is it possible to challenge the current generic figure makers' typical business plan? I've already given examples of a couple firms that are not [again in my opinion only!] following the "hamburger" business plan. And they both appear to be making money!

All the best,
I would have preferred a marching pose like on the classic images of 1914.
But I'm actually quite happy with this figure.

For once this is not the usual Sturmtrupp member with artistically camouflaged helmet, Mpi 18, etc.
That theme has nearly been done to death IMHO.

Sure its not "exciting" in that it has a special pose, but I think it might be popular and you can do lots of minor conversions by changing minor things, make him a nco, guard soldier, bavarian etc.

I hope to buy one (if the price doesn't knock me off the socks) and do a bavarian for example as I have an ancestors photo whose uniform I always wanted to do.
Dan, I do understand what you are saying, and I also understand, you are not singling out Andrea.

What you need to keep in mind, is that fig mans do NOT arbitrarily choose subjects. Somewhere, whether we are aware of it or not, there was a reason that the subject was chosen. Just as there may be a reason for the pose, whether it be asthetics, or engineering.

As for price, brudda, you are preaching to the choir.....

We, as consumers, can either not buy the figure, and hope the loss of sales is noticed, and forces the manu to ask more questions, of more people, or, we can buy the fig, hoping that the sale is also noted, and leads to other similar subjects.

It's not an exact science, and all of the above may work, or it may fail. In the end, at the least, there are many, many kits to choose from, so, we may not ALL get EXACTLY what we want, but, thee is usually something nearby that we can enjoy.