I agree, very inspirational! I've had this bust, but no yet opened/started. Fantastic work all around! Do you use acrylics for undercoating, or 100% oils?
>Ronnie, I use white primer surfacer (car paint) for undercoat, then oils.
I used to use acrylics for undercoat, but I thought acrylics paint layer was somewhat weak and easily come off.
Lovely work, mate. Very smooth finish. I've tried your method in the past but my attempt looked like white primer with streaky oils over it Any suggestions?
I had the same result as you Paul so I went back to undercoating with enamels / acrylics over a coat of primer. Will be interested in your technique also Konrad.
I come up with two possibilities about the streaky oils problem.
1. The condition of the surface. As you know matte surface is suitable for oils. I use white car primer surfacer from soft99 corporation. If you spray it only once or twice, you can get matte surface. If you spray it many times the surface tends to be somewhat glossy. It's not very suitable for oils.
2. The characteristics of oils itself. Oils are transparent and viscous paint so you can easily leaves streaks. My painting style is applying thin layers of oils over and over, then those stresks will be gradually vanished.