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Yes,Yes,Brian.Well said!
I read the link and had the same reaction to it as you.Wow I might be barred now too.If ya don't like it don't buy it!
Do your own thing on the piece.There'll be many conversions done to this piece I'm sure.
I'll be using a crossbow on the back of mine but I'm sure there'll be someone who can't resist pointing out how stupid that would be.
Hi Mark
A very good friend and one of the top scratchbuilders of figures, Adrian Bay once said to me many moons ago "did they have cameras in them days"
I know that i like to paint an accurate figure but you can take it too far.Only my opinion.
So view it without being logged in ;)

Why didn't i think of that?I logged in as a guest and wished i hadn't,as Augie is still his usual self.He's nitpicked a figure i.e. Andrea's new bust and could only come up with negative criticism as per usual.If you look at the bust's profile you'll notice that the anatomy at the back of the neck is not quite correct but Augie goes on about his sword etc,(nitpicking).He goes on to infer that a pre-painted bust would be inferior to the box art, he may be right, but again negative unfounded criticism.He goes on to infer that China has something to do with the casting etc,for Andrea.Personnally
i don't give a flying s**t if it's China ,as if you have a good look at most of things you buy nowadays you'll find a China connection.
Even the great British institution of Marks and Spencers has kids from the Far East sticking on their labels.I rest my case.
Back to the real world,if you like it ,buy the bloody thing and have fun painting it.I love this bust and it will sell well,unlike some others.
Picture this scenario.The year is 1250 you've just been in an awful battle and have unfortunately injured your right arm.Your best mate comes along and asks how you are ,and "whats happened to your sword?".You reply " i dropped it after injuring my arm".Your mate replies "i found it lying on the ground,do you want me to strap it back on for you"" No, says you ,as i'm not feeling too well, just sling it over my shoulder for now" as some plank wants to take a picture of me and make a miniature bust of my ugly mug ,would you believe!
"You lucky buggar says your mate".
Just possible???
brian said:
He's nitpicked a figure i.e. Andrea's new bust and could only come up with negative criticism as per usual.
I agree with you Brian that Augie tends to take the criticism part of critiquing too far. But in his area of interest he's usually right about just how inaccurate models are*. And do bear in mind this.

brian said:
If you look at the bust's profile you'll notice that the anatomy at the back of the neck is not quite correct...
Yep, it looks a bit too full there but it might be that he's supposed to have a bull neck, hard to be sure without seeing it in the round.

For anyone that hasn't seen the alternate angles on this: left side, back, right side.

brian said:
i don't give a flying s**t if it's China ,as if you have a good look at most of things you buy nowadays you'll find a China connection.
In all fairness to him on this point if the shift in production to China resulted in no change in quality that's fine. But if it's directly responsible for the kinds of quality issues highlighted here and even more so here then it is relevant. I want this bust (which I will be converting!) but there's no way in hell I'd buy it sight-unseen.

*Let's not put too fine a point on this: most are, it's not the exception. It's simply that most modellers don't care much or at all about this.

Fair comment Einion,but what it all boils down to in the end is,do i want a bust of a Templar with an incredible face, and the answer is yes.If there is MAJOR issues with the casting i can send it back for a refund from my friends at Historex.Something i've had to use on very few occasions thankfully.
Good to read your comments Einion.
Hi David
I don't feel bad ,as it's his loss!Good to here from a guy with a similar no nonsense attitude.I wonder how many more are out there?
Hi Guys

I have just got my copy of the bust and I have to say the sculpting is very good, but the casting is f*****g s**t...... apart from the whole body and head being in one piece, it also has casting lines down both side through the hair, across the chainmail hood, the leather shoulders and straight down the chainmail arms, it is cast in resin as well which is different to what I expected, there is alot of work to do to it but I should imaging the results of the work would be good........

Please bare in mind this is only my opinion, you should make your own minds up........


The postman delivered the parcel at about 10.30hrs and although I felt the "old usual" tinge of opening up a newly arrived parcel with the same 11yr old zest and fervour as ALWAYS, however, I was RELUCTANT, so I just threw it on the bed and kept on painting the Imperial Guard Grenadier..........


I gave in, and went to have a smoke and opened the parcel at the same time to have a sort of buffer for things to come :( and how I NEEDED THAT SMOKE when I opened the box!!!!!!!! The GREY COLOURED resin PUT me OFF INSTANTLY!!!!!!!! That grey semi gloss/gloss/matt lifeless resin which looks like poor veinless marble which reminded me of Roll Call's (with all due RESPECT) resin of the mid 90's :(((!!! I DECIDED to have lunch before writing ANYTHING on an empty stomach, so down I went for lunch all the time contemplating on what I've just saw :( but as the saying goes, "God Works in Mysterious Ways" and asa I had the last bite, my sister-in-law called and Mum told me she was bringing young Jamie (over a year old) and his sister 7yr old Joelle to the house, so the BUFFER INCREASED CONSIDERABLY before facing this task in the trenches, as I ADORE my niece and nephews (there are two more boyz William 11yrs and his bro Jeremy 8yrs old, by my other bro) :))))))))


Ok here it is..........Dave was way too kind with his comments and I can't agree more with his comments especially that the SCULPTING is INDEED EXCEPTIONAL, but the rest is so "F*****G S**T" !!! Save for the helmet which is both EXCEPTIONAL in sculpting and casting with only a metal peg from the poured metal to remove and take care of!!!! The "sword" is also in metal and is quite ok except that the guard seems a bit odd/off set :(.........there's a slit/opening at the top side of the scabbard which gives the impression that the actual scabbard was tailored on the small size and then slit/opened to accomodate the sword blade ( I STAND TO CORRECTION HERE as I don't know FOR SURE if this type of scabbard really existed or not!! This slit/opening would appear on the top side of the scabbard, that is facing up when the scabbard is worn "proper")........the scabbard has a locating lug/peg that fits in a hole in the sword belt which is void of both the under belt and any visible belt/scabbard attachment.........if I STOOD to correction on the slit/opening of the scabbard topside, I STAND TO NO CORRECTION ON THIS ONE as even a BLIND man can SEE that the sword attaches with JUST a sniff of glue :))))......the chin starps seem ok and "lacing" for the open shirt beneath the mail is also provided as metal thin threads which resemble fine soldering wire.............

Ok I saved the BEST/WORSE for the last as you might have guessed :(((((

The MOULD LINE that Dave mentioned on his rendition is THERE going ALL THE WAY ROUND FROM TOP TO BOTTOM :((((((( the FACE is ONE of the BEST EXPRESSIVE FACES I've seen in this scale and I see no "bull neck" at least MHO is such.........the mould line really RUINS the mail, IF THERE WAS ANY MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can tell you that it is THE BIGGEST LET DOWN AFAIAC!!!!!! Especially on the "upper" hood folds (at least I prayed they would be in the recesses :((( ) and on both arms, there are FLAT AREAS of MAIL, would anyone BELIEVE IT??????!!!!!! Imagine this after one painstakingly removes the mould line, and primes the whole thing???!!! I just think that SCULPTING a new MAIL would be MUCH MORE FEASIBLE/EASIER :(((((((((!!!!!!!!!!

The two painted versions on FI no25 clearly show that the mail is so, so poorly cast and looks that even the boxart (Templar Sergeant) is an EARLY cast as the mail LACKS the depth of an ORIGINAL SCULPT, IMHO!!!!

Well, I will take this one with me to club next Wed and awaits Ivan's opinion as well as Steve's and Sam's and the rest of the figure modellers..........I am HONESTLY hurt, not angry BELIEVE ME, not because I feel I was "robbed" of my hard earned Euros, but MOST of all BECAUSE the casting is SO SHAMEFUL to the ABLE SCULPTOR and to Andrea Minaitures themselves as one of the forerunners of the figure market!!!!

I wonder if, as an E.U. CITIZEN, I am ENTITLED for a "free repair" or "replacement" or "refund"?????? I will leave this one "intact" and will take it with me to Girona or Folkstone, together with Historex's reciept of my Visa DEBIT :( and see what can be done with Andrea...........

This is MY HONEST (yes HURT as well for the reasons I mentioned) review/OPINION of MY BUST as recieved today the 25th of April, and as SCRUTINISED IN/OUT of MY RED BOX :)))))))

I need another SMOKE so BADLY as the SACRIFICIAL LAMB for My Maltese Mob at least :)))))))))

Warmest Regards to ALL!!!!

Ray ;)
Thanks Ray for the review. I have one on order and when it comes in I will do a photographic review so all can see what you have as far as the casting goes. Now I wish I hadn't ordered it :(

I am devastated by your very honest report. This was one bust I thought I would like to try, but yourself and Dave have changed that line of thought. I wonder if this is due to the "Chinese" casting if indeed it is done there. The company make some very good figures, my second figure was from Andrea and I have one on the go at the moment.
I suppose this is the problem with buying by mail. There is a way round this as the law here ( UK so I assume its an EEC law as well ) allows for returning anything purchased by mail. I think the law is classed as "distance selling" woth you checking it out. Another law relates to an item being unfit for purpose and you can use that to get your money back or a new figure instead.
I hope this is just the caster at fault as I would really like to try the bust, but Andrea's quality control should be looked at if they allow figures such as you decribed out of their factory.
Can I stand beside you when you visit the Andrea stand at Euro?

Jeez,Ray I think you may have used up your years supply of exclamation marks there!!But doesn't sound good.
I'll be keen to see Guy's photo review of this one.
No problem about the review Guy, my "pleasure" to help as always and this same review can be viewed on EPH (my original, pasted and copied) and MedRom as the only places where it "stirred the water and the only three places I took part in that discussion"........

I really wish (partially, believe me IF you get the SAME type of casting) that you or anyone else will get the chance to see my "RANTING" in the flesh on your respective copies........I thought about taking pics, but No1 I really ran out of time, and No2 I don't want to sound/seem I'm doing any sort of harm by airing such "pitfalls" VISUALLY over the net............well there are two EXAMPLES of bad casting AFAIK which are Dave's and mine, so that is ENOUGH proof that I should be believed :D but having said that, I really look forward to your photographed review and to see if you really think I was being OVER melodramatic or sheer honest :) well I will soon have the "LIVE" opinion and testimony of my afore mentioned club mates!! I even texted Stephen who's at MFCA right now to view my review........he may get in touch with a alaptop somewhere there, or even better get to view one "in the American flesh" :D

Your QUOTE buddy "Now I wish I hadn't ordered it :(" I'll SECOND that Guy, but someone has to go to Heaven after all, and this is my means of redemption (Sacrificial Lamb for my Modelling Brethren, Maltese Mob and Foreign Legions as well, coz we are SUPPOSED to be ONE BIG FAMILY) for my past, present and future SINS :D

Anyone has got a kandkerchief please as tears are swelling in my eyes :D

Hey all of you, take life with a pinch os salt as its too short and it SUCKS BIGTIME so PLEASE let us not quarrel amongst ourselves over the net especially at least, and never get personal or touchy if you can!! When anyone is about to make a mountain out of a molehill, just remember the unsinkable TITANIC lying on the Ocean's seabed..........every time I MANAGED to do this, I snap out of any "bad" situation and see life/things from a different positive perspective!!! I don't know if this makes sense or its that I'm on "Crazy Mode" before night duty :(

To answer Don as well...........well I will try my best to get a "better cast" as I'm sure Andrea will be bombarded by many more "disappointed" but if nothing can be done I will TRY n SALVAGE the concern is/would be with newbies who may shy away from the hazardous task that AWAITS them :(

I really am SMILING to your "stand by me" proposal......THANKS MATE, hop along (if I don't get lucky in Girona, I would still bring the bust with me so you and anyone else can VIEW IT!!!

Thanks for looking Mark...........I thought you bit the arrow like me, and had already ordered yours :D

Ray ;)
Hi Rej

Great expectations it seems, await to see it in 'flesh' next Wednesday, is it so horrible that mail cannot be cleaned?

rej said:
...No2 I don't want to sound/seem I'm doing any sort of harm by airing such "pitfalls" VISUALLY over the net...
A bad casting is a bad casting, simple as that. Seeing as this is part of what appears to be a general drop in QC standards for Andrea (which were not high anyway!) they frankly deserve the bad press :mad: If it turns out to be an exception then all well and good, but people still need to know that there are bad examples out there.

And let's be realistic here - this is a brand-new bust. If I bought something that had been in production for a year or two then I accept that it might not be as crisp or smooth as a newer casting, due to mould wear. But this thing has been in production for what? A month? As far as I'm concerned every copy in existence should be practically perfect!!

Yep, as mentioned in another post, my friend and I BOTH have bad castings on the bust. And, to make it even more strange, we each have gray resin figures, I have a grey resin base and he got a standard yellow resin base in his box. Both boxes were sealed.

I'll tell ya!!!

This is enough to make the Pope mad enough that he'd want to break stained glass!!!

My heart goes out to you both as I read your post on the other thread, but my God, you purchased it from MFCA and HAD the CHANCE to open them SEALED BOXES and you didn't :(??!! Why??!!

Anyway, welcome to the fray of F****D UP POOR B******S who SWALLOWED the bait and hook :(

BTW, I have a yellow resin pedestal because I didn't mention that in my 1st LAMENT :( and if any might ask what I have done with the bust, since Friday, when it arrived..........well I had to VIEW it for the 2nd time, as those PITFALLS were so hard to chew, hoping some sort of MIRACLE occured during my ranting/typing..........BELIEVE me, not only I COULD not CHEW those PITFALLS, I JUST HAD TO THROW UP & still I was left with a very BAD AFTER TASTE :( but at least I had a VERY DECENT weekend which made me "forget" a bit ;)

I REALLY DO HOPE, that ANDREA are thinking of SORTING this MISHAP........

Ray :(
rej said:
I REALLY DO HOPE, that ANDREA are thinking of SORTING this MISHAP........
Yeah, definitely. A properly-cast replacement (if there are any!) is in order for anyone that got an awful casting.

I saw the retail price in the US just the other day too, with the exchange rate this is no cheap kit!


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