Another horse


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A Fixture
Oct 15, 2014
Morning and Merry Christmas to you all - Hope Santa brought you lots of nice things :)

I resurrected a figure I started a couple of months ago and since I've made some progress over the holiday thought I'd share some pictures. This is another of the Metal Modelles 54mm figures - fabulous sculpts and worth the investment. I decided that I needed a few little tweaks to make to give the face more of a 'horsey' look so a bit of work on the lips at the front and around the bit adding a few extra creases and wrinkles and removing a couple of the teeth as well as enlarging the nostrils a bit. All done with Miliput since that's what I've got a few packets of.
Whilst I was at it I added a bit of extra detail to the back of the horse as well (Extra buckle is an old Historex one)

Primed in Citadel black spray and painted in Vallejo and Andrea acrylics the paintwork is now nearly complete. Still a couple of details to add as well as the reins and chest strap which will be made from painted paper. The two sides were taken in different light conditions - hence the colour differences.

Cheers for now
Horse face .jpg
Horse tail.jpg
Horse 2.jpg
Hi Leggy

Seasons greetings ....Santa has been choosey this year ...a fine selection of socks !!

The additions are looking good and even better painted up

It must be my investigative skills ....but I reckon you like the MM releases ....

Well we all like what you do

Look forward to seeing the rider on this

Happy benchtime

Beautifully painted horse, such smooth transitions between light & shaded areas, & the aftermarket additions look really crisp & precise.
Watching with interest, because painting horses is a challenge I'd like to try.
Oh well Kev, given the size of your grey army I'm guessing Santa wasn't sure what to get you. :p (and I'm sure the socks will come in handy too)
Well spotted with the observation re: MM kits - Love 'em although I struggle doing the officers lace truth be told so I'll keep plugging away till I get something I'm happy with . . . .

Cheers Chris, this one's my third horse (I don't count the Pegaso Knight I did earlier in the year because only the eyes and feet were visible). I've got a cracking book called The Ultimate Horse book which I picked up from Fleabay for a few quid. It's a big glossy coffee table job with lots of high quality photo's of the different breeds and a great reference for painting horse coats. I'm also lucky that there is a stable just down the road so I can get a close look at them when I'm not sure about something. I was joking to the wife that now I've painted the horse I just need to finish all the accessories that go with it (you know, rider, equipment etc.) ;)

I'll take some pictures of the process next time, but it's not that complicated really. I decide on the coat colour and whether there are any markings etc and then block in the main colours before shading in my usual acrylics. I'll then use my very bestest brush to go back over the colour blends with lots of tiny fine brush strokes using a thinned paint to kind've blur the edges and built up the colours. I've found you can easily add extra shade or highlight this way without making it look like a fairground horse. I'll add a coat of satin varnish once I think it's finished and then go back and tweak it again. Although it sounds laborious it's quite quick in practice and very therapeutic (Of course if you paint with oils everything is easier with lots of blending time and there are plenty of stunning horses and figures done in oil paint) One thing which is a bit of a bugbear with me is horse eyes painted like human eyes - the white at the edges is rarely seen unless the horse is startled etc. so a tiny bit of flesh colour is all that's usually needed in the corner.
Cheers for now

Thanks cirgist (y)

As I was working on the horse the rider was also being painted. With the family away for a few days I was able to get some long sessions in painting (basically eating, painting and occasionally sleeping) and he's now just lacking just a few finishing details to be added/painted. I modified the overalls of the stock figure slightly by removing the buttons to practice my silver lace painting and had some fun with the face as usual - these peaked shako's generally get in the way when painting eyes, but hey ho I always like a challenge.
I was going to change the headgear, but in the end decided the cylindrical shako was pretty smart and is something a bit different. Everything in acrylics as per the horse and as usual the frogging on the pelisse took a few cups of coffee and a long time, but hey he wouldn't be a hussar without it . . . :)

Cheers for now

ps - I meant to add that when painting the very fine details with acrylics I usually add a tiny amount of glaze medium which stops the paint drying so quickly on the brush and helps it flow a bit better
Hussar 1.jpgHussar 2.jpg