Morning and Merry Christmas to you all - Hope Santa brought you lots of nice things 
I resurrected a figure I started a couple of months ago and since I've made some progress over the holiday thought I'd share some pictures. This is another of the Metal Modelles 54mm figures - fabulous sculpts and worth the investment. I decided that I needed a few little tweaks to make to give the face more of a 'horsey' look so a bit of work on the lips at the front and around the bit adding a few extra creases and wrinkles and removing a couple of the teeth as well as enlarging the nostrils a bit. All done with Miliput since that's what I've got a few packets of.
Whilst I was at it I added a bit of extra detail to the back of the horse as well (Extra buckle is an old Historex one)
Primed in Citadel black spray and painted in Vallejo and Andrea acrylics the paintwork is now nearly complete. Still a couple of details to add as well as the reins and chest strap which will be made from painted paper. The two sides were taken in different light conditions - hence the colour differences.
Cheers for now

I resurrected a figure I started a couple of months ago and since I've made some progress over the holiday thought I'd share some pictures. This is another of the Metal Modelles 54mm figures - fabulous sculpts and worth the investment. I decided that I needed a few little tweaks to make to give the face more of a 'horsey' look so a bit of work on the lips at the front and around the bit adding a few extra creases and wrinkles and removing a couple of the teeth as well as enlarging the nostrils a bit. All done with Miliput since that's what I've got a few packets of.
Whilst I was at it I added a bit of extra detail to the back of the horse as well (Extra buckle is an old Historex one)
Primed in Citadel black spray and painted in Vallejo and Andrea acrylics the paintwork is now nearly complete. Still a couple of details to add as well as the reins and chest strap which will be made from painted paper. The two sides were taken in different light conditions - hence the colour differences.
Cheers for now