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Staff member
Apr 7, 2009
UK. Cheshire
Due to ongoing student debt, and the loss of interest in our hobby.
I'm now happy to take any decent offer on my collection.
Some are painted, and have won reasonable awards.
The remainder, are partially or untouched complete figures.
PM if you can be bothered.(y)
Sorry to hear that you have lost interest in our hobby, hope it comes back, so do not sell the lot.
However I would like to see what you have of unpainted stuff.

PM sent
I'm another one who sold all his grey army for not a lot and now regrets it.
I suggest you sell what you don't really like but hold on to anything you do.
If you don't get the urge to return to the hobby then consider selling the rest but don't be hasty.

My two penneth for what it's worth.
Your avatar always makes me smile.
All the best
Hi Carl,

Chin up mate, it’s always darker before the dawn. Likewise don’t sell what you will regret later (memories of a Kirin Scottish Highlander here ). When you sort out what you _really_ can do with out please send a list.

Kind regards,

I can only echo what everyone else has said above - don’t sell up in haste, the modelling mojo will inevitably return one day.
I’ll always be proud of the Young Miniatures MG34 Gunner bust you kindly gave me for my birthday a few years ago.
I sold a lot of my figures / bust , when I move house years ago .
To another part of the country . Wish I hadn' t now trying to rebuy some of the metal figures.
Keep some back , you never know when you may want to start again. Pm on its way .

Hang in there carl. I was in the same frame of mind for most of last year and nearly got rid of everything. So glad i did not though and was really lifted by the support of all the great people on this forum.
Hope to see more of your stunning work on here soon.
This might help Screenshot 2019-10-10 at 21.38.11.png images.jpeg